Phonon Echo Study on Lithium Ionic Diffusion in LiNbO_3 Powder
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2005-06-15
中村 浩一
道廣 嘉隆
Rahman Mahbubar
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokushima
MORIGA Toshihiro
Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Science, T
Kanashiro Tatsuo
Department Of Quantum Materials Science Institute Of Technology The University Of Tokushima
Kanashiro T
Department Of Quantum Materials Science Institute Of Technology The University Of Tokushima
Nakamura Koichi
Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Katayama Fumiaki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokushima
Nakabayashi Ichiro
Department Of Chemical Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokushima
- 23aHQ-10 岩塩型結晶の弾性とイオン拡散(23aHQ 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 27aXA-9 岩塩型結晶の電子分極と弾性定数II(超イオン導電体・イオン導電体I,領域5,光物性)
- 29pVD-5 立方構造結晶の間接イオン間相互作用と弾性定数II(29pVD 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 20pYH-7 リチウム遷移金属酸化物におけるミリング効果(20pYH 超イオン導伝体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 20aYH-9 立方構造結晶の間接イオン間相互作用と弾性定数(20aYH 超イオン導伝体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 24aTR-1 岩塩型構造2元結晶のRUS II(超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5,光物性)
- 24aTR-2 AgIガラスのRUS(超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5,光物性)
- 21aZA-7 立方構造結晶の電子分極と有効電荷(超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5,光物性)
- 23aWB-7 立方構造結晶の電子分極と弾性定数II(23aWB 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 30aRE-13 岩塩型構造2元結晶のRUS(30aRE 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 19pXB-11 立方構造結晶の電子分極と弾性定数(超イオン伝導体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 23aWB-5 Li-Cu系酸化物における電気伝導とNMR(23aWB 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 19pXB-1 Li-Cu-O系化合物のイオン伝導(超イオン伝導体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
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- 24pRG-7 岩塩型結晶の弾性とイオン拡散II(24pRG 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- Phonon Echo Study on Lithium Ionic Diffusion in LiNbO_3 Powder
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- Density Functional Theory Investigation of One-Dimensional Organic-Metallic Multiple-Decked Sandwich Model (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Spin Polarization of a Multiple-decked Sandwich Clusters : M(C_6H_6)_2(M = Mn, Fe, Co)(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
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- NMR Study on Li^+ Ionic Motion in Li_xV_2O_5 (0.4≦x≦1.4)(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- 研究室紹介 徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部 先進物質材料部門--固体イオニクス研究室
- 非線形共鳴現象を利用した超イオン導電体の物性測定
- 25pYH-6 岩塩型結晶の変形分極と有効電荷(イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of La_Sr_xCu_Zn_yO_4 (x = 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20) : Zn-induced Wipeout Effect near the Magnetic and Electric Instability (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of La_Sr_xCu_Zn_yO_4 (X=0.10, 0.15 and 0.20) : Zn-induced Wipeout Effect near the Magnetic and Electric Instability
- 25aRG-6 Li-Mn系酸化物における構造とLi^+イオン拡散挙動(25aRG 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
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- Quantum Chemical Mechanism of Heterogeneous Reaction between Trichlorosilane and Adsorbed Water
- ^La NQR Study of Electronic States in Metallic Compounds (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4
- 22pRA-4 LiMO_2(M=Ni, Co, Cu)におけるリチウムイオン拡散
- 25aM-9 Li_xCoO_2におけるLiイオン拡散
- 30aYA-6 LiGaにおけるリチウムイオン拡散II
- 22pRA-5 LiGaにおけるリチウムイオン拡散
- B-2 フォノンエコー法によるLiNbO_3におけるイオン拡散の観測(超音波物性,超音波材料)
- 15pXA-6 定比・非定比組成 LiNbO_3 におけるイオン伝導(超イオン伝導体・イオン伝導体, 領域 5)
- 29pXS-10 イオン導電体のダイナミックフォノンエコーII(超イオン伝導体)(領域5)
- 29pXS-1 岩塩型結晶の電子分極と弾性定数(超イオン伝導体)(領域5)
- 21pTB-6 イオン導電体のダイナミックフォノンエコー
- 21pTB-4 岩塩型結晶の有効電荷と Deformation Dipole Model
- 31aZH-6 立方構造結晶のフッ素イオンの分極率と遮蔽因子
- 30aYA-11 岩塩型結晶の電子分極とdeformation dipole II
- 22aRA-3 岩塩型結晶の電子分極とdeformation dipole
- Diameter Dependent Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Fe Nanowires
- NMR Study on Li-vacancy Ordering and Ionic Diffusion in β-LiGa
- ^V NMR Study of A15 Superconductor V_3Si
- Temperature Dependence of the Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation Rate in Silver and Sodium Halide Crystals
- Complex Impedance Study in Bi_2O_3-WO_3
- Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation in Silver and Sodium Halide Crystals
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Ionic Conductivity in LiNaSO_4
- NMR and Specific Heat Investigations in a Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling Superconductor HfV_2
- Electrical Impedance and Ultrasonic Measurements of Ag_3SI
- Ultrasonic Attenuation of β-Ag_3SI
- ^B Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Itinerant Weak Antiferromagnetic SmRh_3B_2
- Ultrasonic Measurements in the Ionic Conductor β-Ag_3SI
- NMRからみた超イオン導電体のイオン拡散挙動
- 31aZH-1 Li-Cu-O 系酸化物における Li^+ イオン拡散
- 28pPSB-43 HfV_2の帯磁率とNMR II
- 22pPSA-9 HfV_2の帯磁亭とNMR
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- Orientation Dependence of the Quadrupole Relaxation in NaNO_2
- Gradient-Elastic Tensor in Ferroelectric Sodium Nitrite, NaNO_2
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Acoustic Saturation of ^Na in Sodium Nitrite
- Laser Beam Diffraction Patterns by Standing Uitrasound in Crystals
- Pulsed Nuclear Double Resonance in Alkali-Halide Solid Solutions
- NMR Acoustic Saturation Study on the Strain Distribution in the Crystal Caused by Ultrasonics
- Pulsed Nuclear Double Resonance in NaCl+NaBr Mixed Crystals
- Double Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in NaClO_3 by Acoustic Excitation
- Effects of Redox of Cu-Species in Copper-Strontium Hydroxyapatites on the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
- Characterization of Calcium, Strontium, Barium and Lead Hydroxyapatites: X-ray Diffraction,Photoelectron, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and MAS NMR Spectroscopies
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- Direct Detection of a Phase Change in PdO/CeO_2 Supported on χ-Al_2O_3 by Means of in situ High-Temperature Measurements of XRD and FTIR
- Effect of Texture and Composition of Microorganisms Carrier for Disposal of Wastewater
- Surface Analysis of Porous Carbon Microelectrodes with an Adsorbed Osmium Complex as a Mediator
- Spin Dynamics Studied by ^Y NMR in High T_c Superconductor YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Current concepts of carpal tunnel syndrome : pathophysiology, treatment, and evaluation
- Electrical Stimulation Prolongs the Survival Days of Leukemic MiceTreated With Methotrexate
- Performance of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Briquettes Produced from Fly Ash and Slaked Lime in Disposal of Wastewater
- 多孔質炭素電極上におけるオスミウム錯体の表面分布および電子伝達反応機構
- XAFS Study on the Pyrochlore-Type Bi_Nd_xRu_2O_7 Solid-Solutions
- 27pHA-7 岩塩型結晶の非中心力とイオン拡散(27pHA 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 圧電・超音波材料 フォノンエコー法によるLiNbO3におけるイオン拡散の観測
- 28aHA-8 Li系酸化物圧電体における構造変化とLi^+イオン拡散挙動(28aHA 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 22aRB-10 LiドープされたAgNbO_3における不安定LiサイトとLi^+イオン運動(22aRB 顕微・近接場光学,超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 25aM-12 LiGaにおける^7Liの核磁気緩和
- 24pAC-4 リチウム遷移金属酸化物のLi^+イオン拡散挙動におけるミリング効果(24pAC 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))
- 24aAC-10 立方構造結晶における非中心力とイオン拡散(24aAC 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶・超イオン導電体,領域5(光物性))
- 24aAC-10 立方構造結晶における非中心力とイオン拡散(24aAC 領域5,領域1合同フォトニック結晶・超イオン導電体,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 27pEK-13 オリビン系リチウムマンガン酸化物の局所構造におけるミリンダ効果(27pEK 超イオン導電体・イオン伝導体,領域5(光物性))