古代人と現代人における下顎窩形態の X 線学的研究
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The genesis of temporomandibular joint disorders are not clear since there are many complicated factors involved. The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphology of the mandibular fossa. The focus will be on the radiological evaluation between ancient and modern Japanese who experienced different life styles and dietary habits. The specimens used in this study are the possession of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies at Kyushu University. There are 19 specimens (males : 10, females : 9) from the Jomon period, 202 specimens (males : 87, females : 115) from the Yayoi period, and 206 specimens (males : 118, females : 88) from the modern period. The radiographs of the mandibular fossa, using the modified Schuller technique, were studied. The length, depth, and area of the mandibular fossa and the angulation of the frontal slope of the mandibular fossa on the radiographs were automatically computed. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The length of the mandibular fossa of the right side was significantly different from that of the left in the male skulls of the Yayoi period and the human skulls of the Modern period. The differences in the length between the right and left sides became progressively larger between the Yayoi and Modern periods. 2. There were no significant differences in the right and left side depth of the mandibular fossa within and between periods. 3. The area of the mandibular fossa of the right side was significantly different from that of the left side in the male skulls Yayoi period and the human skulls of the Modern period. The differences in area between the right and left sides became progressively larger between the Yayoi and Modern periods. 4. The angulation of the frontal slope of the mandibular fossa of the left side was significantly larger than that of the right side in the Modern period male and female skulls. The angulation of the anterior slope of the mandibular fossa in the Modern period was smaller than that in other periods. However, the differences between the right and left sides in the angulation of the anterior slope progressively increased between the Yayoi and Modern periods. The differences between the right and left sides in anterior slope angulation in the Modern period caused the asymmetry of the mandibular fossa. From the above results, it was shown that the morphology of the mandibular fossa is changed and the asymmetry of the mandibular fossa morphology is increased between the Yayoi and Modern periods. It may be speculated that this change of the morphology of the mandibular fossa in the Modern period is the result of the increase of the temporomandibular joint disorders.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 2000-02-25
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