インドネシア, バリ島民の歯冠形態に関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The frequencies of occurrence of 19 tooth crown traits of 174 Balinese are described and compared with other 18 Asian dental samples based on Turner's (1987) Mongoloid dental variation theory. The purpose of this study is to assess what might be diagnostic of the Balinese dental characteristics and to demonstrate the ethnic relationships of the Balinese among Asian populations. Plaster models were taken from 86 males and 88 females of university students in Denpasal city aged 18 years and older, and they were observed using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System. Compared with other Asian populations, the Balinese dentition possess less maxillary central incisor shoveling, maxillary central incisor double-shoveling, deflecting wrinkle and cusp 6 on mandibular first molar. Also, lower first molar protostylid and Y pattern on mandibular second molar frequencies are very low in the Balinese. Also, the frequencies of four-cusped mandibular second molar and Carabell's trait on mandibular first molar are very high in the Balinese. These results defines the Balinese as Sundadonts, classified by Turner, Southeast Asians whose teeth are relatively simple. Two major clusters were found by cluster analysis on Smith's MMD among 20 East Asian populations including the Balinese, based on 19 crown traits. The upper macro-cluster contains all Southeast Asians and Jomonese (Sundadonts), the lower macro-cluster contains all northern peoples (Sinodonts). There are two main groups in Sundadonts' cluster and the Balinese were included in the group which contains the East Malay Archipelago, Recent Indomalaysia, and Burma. The neighbor-joining method was applied to present an unrooted tree. The Balinese were distant from the Sinodonts and close to the East Malay Archipelago, Recent Indomalaysia, and Burma. These results indicate that the Balinese are classified into the Sundadonts and they are much like the East Malay Archipelago, Recent Indomalaysia, and Burma.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1996-08-25
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- インドネシア, バリ島民の歯冠形態に関する研究