Flexibility Exists in the Region of [A6-A11, A7-B7] Disulfide Bonds during Insulin Precursor Folding
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2004-01-01
Tang Jian-guo
Wang Zhao-hui
Wang Zhao-hui
National Laboratory Of Protein Engineering And Plant Genetic Engineering College Of Life Sciences Pe
Liu Y
Peking Univ. Beijing Chn
Tang J‐g
Peking Univ. Beijing Chn
Tang Jian-guo
National Laboratory Of Protein Engineering And Plant Genetic Engineering College Of Life Sciences Pe
LIU Ying
National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering, College of Life Sciences,
Liu Ying
National Laboratory Of Antennas And Microwave Technology Of Xidian University
Liu Y
State Key Laboratory Of Saie Dalian University Of Technology
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- Flexibility Exists in the Region of [A6-A11, A7-B7] Disulfide Bonds during Insulin Precursor Folding