A Solid-State Light-Emitting Device Based on Excitations of Ballistic Electrons Generated in Nanocrystalline Porous Poly-Silicon Films
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-09-25
Kojima A
Gunma National Coll. Technol. Maebashi Jpn
Kojima A
Quantum 14 Co. Ltd.
Toyama H
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Kojima Atsushi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
KOSHIDA Nobuyoshi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Tokyo University of Agri
越田 信義
東京農工大 大学院
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agricu
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Division Of Electronic And Information Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agricul
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Department of Chest Medicine
Koshida N
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo Jpn
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Tokyo University of Agri
Nakajima Yoshiki
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agricu
Nakajima Yoshiki
Department Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care Hamamatsu University School Of Medicine
Kojima Akira
Department Of Chemical And Materials Science Gunma National College Of Technology
Koshida Nobuyoshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Technology Graduate School Of Eng. To
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