Ultrafast Coherent Control of Excitons in Quantum Nano-Structures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-09-25
渡辺 正裕
OKADA Tatsuya
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Wang X‐l
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Watanabe M
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima Jpn
Wang Xue-lun
Division Of Electron Devices Electrotechnical Laboratory
Wang Xue-lun
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
OKADA Takumi
Tokai University Junior College
Deveaud B
Swiss Federal Inst. Technol.‐lausanne Lausanne‐epfl Che
Okada T
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokushima
Komori K
Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Komori Kazuhiro
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Watanabe Mahiko
Department Of Applied Physics And Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
Okada Tatsuya
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Tokushima University
Hayes Gary
Physics Department. Imo Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Lausanne
OGURA Mutsuo
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Physics Department., IMO, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Deveaud Benoit
Physics Department. Imo Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology Lausanne
Ogura M
Jst‐crest Ibaraki Jpn
Ogura Mutsuo
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Ogura Masahiko
Energy Technology Research Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technolog
Wang Xue-Lun
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
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