Behavioral and histological study of peripheral nerve disorders using an animal model
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Peripheral nerve paralysis can be caused by various events. Those of dental origin may result from local anesthesia by infiltration or conduction, extraction of a mandibular third molar, root canal treatment, orthognathic surgery, oral surgery, or nerve injury from a dental implant. However, nerve paralysis in an animal model is rare. Using 141 male Sprague-Dawley rats, we induced several peripheral nerve disorders and conducted thorough behavior tests to determine whether a nerve paralysis model could be produced. In addition, the mechanism responsible for paralysis was examined histologically. Nerve disorders were created by mechanical injury or induced malnutrition. The surgical procedures were performed under anesthesia with intraperitoreal injection of Nembutal^[○!R]. We divided the mechanical injury model into three groups : rats with a sciatic nerve ligated with 4-0 silk (ligation group), rats with a sciatic nerve compressed with a needle holder for one minute (pressure group), and rats with a sciatic nerve exposure (sham group). The nutritional disorder models were given a vitamin B_1 deficient feed. We then used the Plantar test^[○!R] and a Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer^[○!R] to evaluate the degree of nerve paralysis. Paralysis of the nerve was established as seen by a rise in the pain threshold. Histological investigation was conducted by examing the occurrence of local changes in H-E staining, the presence of leakage across the blood-nerve barrier, and changes noted by immunohistochemical staining. Nerve paralysis was confirmed for all disorder models except for the sham, pair-fed (described later), and control groups. Although the mechanical injury model showed increased cell components by H-E staining and failed blood-nerve barrier, no changes were noted for the nutritional disorder model. These results illustrated differences in the peripheral nerve paralysis models and showed that local changes to the nerve fiber and the role of the blood-nerve barrier were not the only factors that contributed to the mechanism responsible for peripheral nerve paralysis. (J Osaka Dent Univ 2005 ; 39 : 37-46.)
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
Kotani Junichiro
Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Dental University
Kotani Junichiro
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Kotani J
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Kotani Junichiro
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
SAKUMA Yasushi
Department of Anesthesiology,Osaka Dental University
Sakuma Yasushi
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Sakuma Yasushi
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Yamashita Tomoaki
Graduate School of Dentistry(Anesthesiology), Osaka Dental University
Yamashita Tomoaki
Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Dental University
Yamashita Tomoaki
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
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