α線トラック・エッチング法とトリチウムオートラジオグラフィによるMo中のBの可 視化
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Molybdenum alloys addited with <0.02ppm B to 160ppm B were analyzed by or-rays track etching (ATE) method irradiated by thermal neutron for 12 hours using atomic reactor of Rikkyo University and Japan atomic reactor of JRR-4. It was found that boron was segregated along grain boundaries and in the matrix. We analyzed boron distribution in the vicinity of the triple junctions at grain boundaries and in the matrix by the statistical frequency of a-rays tracks. Also we studied tritium autoradiography by cathodic charging method. Visualization of boron distribution was confirmed along the grain boundary which seemed to be effective trapping sites of hydrogen.
- 社団法人日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- α線トラック・エッチング法とトリチウムオートラジオグラフィによるMo中のBの可 視化
- 473 Ni 基超耐熱合金の浸炭による引張延性の低下挙動(耐熱鋼・耐熱合金 (I), 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 114 回(秋季)講演大会)