Trends in Dietary Intake of Folate, Vitamins B_6, and B_<12> among Japanese Adults in Two Rural Communities from 1974 through 2001
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BACKGROUND: The 5th edition of the Japanese food composition table enables us to evaluate intakes of folate and vitamins B6 and B12, which are associated with risk of chronic diseases.METHODS: We investigated long-term trends in dietary intake of those nutrients in two rural communities; Ikawa from1974 through 2000, and Kyowa from 1982 through 2001. The 24-hour recall method was adopted. Intake of green tea interviewed from 1994 was used to examine food sources for these nutrients in the latest period, but not to evaluate long-term trends. Reduced intakes of nutrients due to cooking were not taken into account.RESULTS: Age-adjusted mean folate intake increased by 30% in Ikawa between the 1970s and 1980s, and then leveled off to the latest survey, while that in Kyowa did not change throughout the survey periods. The increased folate intake was primarily due to green/yellow vegetables. Mean vitamin B6 intake did not change except that it increased for Ikawa women in the 1980s and decreased for Kyowa men in the latest period. No secular trend was found for mean vitamin B12 intake. The largest source for folate intake was total vegetables (38-58% of total intake) and the second largest source was alcohol/beverages including green tea (11-24%). Fish/shellfish was the largest source for vitamins B6 (16-23%) and B12(77-84%).CONCLUSIONS: Dietary intakes of folate, vitamins B6 and B12 showed no notable long-term trend, except for an increased folate intake between the 1970s and 1980s due to an increased intake of green/yellow vegetables.J Epidemiol2005;15:29-37.
- 日本疫学会の論文
- 2005-03-01
ISO Hiroyasu
Department of Public Health Medicine, Doctoral Program in Social and Environmental Medicine, Graduat
Ito Hiroyasu
Public Health Department Of Social And Environmental Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Me
Iso Hiroyasu
愛媛大学 医学系研究科公衆衛生学
Iso Hiroyasu
筑波大学 人間総合科学研究科社会健康医学
Sato Shinichi
Chiba Prefectural Institute Of Public Health
Shimamoto Takashi
The Osaka Medical Center For Health Science And Promotion
Shimamoto Takashi
大阪大学 医学系研究科社会環境医学講座公衆衛生学
Shimamoto T
Shibuya Kogyo Co. Ltd. Kanazawa‐shi Jpn
Shimamoto T
Faculty Of Engineering The Univ. Of Tokushima
Department of Public Health Medicine, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tsukuba
SATO Shinichi
the Osaka Medical Center for Health Science and Promotion
Department of Public Health Medicine, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences and Institute
Department of Public Health Medicine, Doctoral Program in Social and Environmental Medicine, Graduat
Department of Public Health and Welfare, Kyowa Municipal Office
Department of Public Health and Welfare, Kyowa Municipal Office
Department of Public Health and Welfare, Kyowa Municipal Office
UMESAWA Mitsumasa
Department of Public Health Medicine, Doctoral Program in Social and Environmental Medicine, Graduat
Department of Public Health Medicine, Doctoral Program in Social and Environmental Medicine, Graduat
Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health
Tanigawa Takeshi
Department Of Public Health Doctoral Program In Social Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Ehime Un
Iso Hiroyasu
Department Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of T
Shimamoto Takashi
Osaka Medical Center For Health Science And Promotion
Umesawa Mitsumasa
Department Of Public Health Medicine Doctoral Program In Social And Environmental Medicine Graduate
Shimamoto Takashi
Department Ofepidemiology And Cvd Mass-examination The Center For Adult Diseases Osaka
Yamagishi Kazumasa
Departments Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Sciences And Institute Of Com
Yamagishi Kazumasa
Department Of Pubic Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Ts
Ma Enbo
Doctoral Program In Social And Environmental Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Science
Inagawa Mieko
Department Of Public Health And Welfare Kyowa Municipal Office
Yokota Kimiko
Department Of Public Health And Welfare Kyowa Municipal Office
Yoshino Kaori
Department Of Public Health Medicine Institute Of Community Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Oshima Miyuki
Department Of Public Health And Welfare Kyowa Municipal Office
Komachi Yoshio
Department Ofepidemiology And Cvd Mass-examination The Center For Adult Diseases Osaka
Imano Hironori
Public Health Department Of Social And Environmental Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Me
Komachi Yoshio
Departments Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Sciences And Institute Of Com
Iso Hiroyasu
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Nephrology And Rheumatology Aichi Medical University Sch
Yamagishi Kazumasa
Departments Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Sciences And Institute Of Com
Shimamoto Takashi
Lipid Reference Laboratory Osaka Medical Center For Health Science And Promotion
Yamagishi Kazumasa
Departments Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Sciences And Institute Of Com
Komachi Y
Departments Of Public Health Medicine Graduate School Of Comprehensive Sciences And Institute Of Com
Iso Hiroyasu
Department Of Public Health Medicine Doctoral Program In Social And Environmental Medicine Graduate
Yoshino Kaori
Department Of Public Health Medicine Doctoral Program In Social And Environmental Medicine Graduate
Tanigawa Takeshi
Department Of Public Health Doctoral Program In Social Medicine Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
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