Existence theorems of fold-maps
Ando Yoshifumi
Department Of Mathematics Yamaguchi University
Ando Yoshifumi
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Faculty Of Science Yamaguchi University
- On the elimination of Morin singularities
- Folding maps and the surgery theory on manifolds
- On the Higher Thom Polynomials of Morin Singularities : Dedicated to Professor H. Toda on his 60th birthday
- Existence theorems of fold-maps
- Elimination of certain Thom-Boardman singularities of order two
- The homotopy principle for maps with singularities of given K-invariant class
- Invariants of Fold-maps via Stable Homotopy Groups : Dedicated to Professor Tatsuo Suwa on his sixtieth birthday
- The homotopy type of the space consisting of regular jets and folding jets in J^2 (n, n)
- On thom polynomials of the singularities D_k nad E_k