Secret Key Agreement under Sampling Attack
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-12-14
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation
Davis P
Atr Adaptive Communications Res. Lab. Kyoto Jpn
Davis Peter
Ntt Communication Science Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Muramatsu Jun
Ntt Communication Science Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Muramatsu Jun
Ntt Corp. Kyoto‐fu Jpn
Davis Peter
(株)atr 環境適応通信研究所 第四研究室
ATR Optical and Radio Communications Research Laboratories
Yoshimura Kazuyuki
Ntt Communication Science Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Davis Peter
(株)atr環境適応通信研究所 第四研究室
Davis Peter
Ntt Corp. Kyoto‐fu Jpn
Yoshimura Kazuyuki
Ntt Corp. Kyoto‐fu Jpn
Muramatsu Jun
Ntt Communication Science Lab-oratories
Arai Ken'ichi
Ntt Communication Science Laboratories
- Translational Asymmetry Controlled Lattice and Numerical Method for Moving Discrete Breather in Four Particle System(Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, classical mechanics, and fluid mechanics)
- Secret Key Capacity and Advantage Distillation Capacity(Cryptography,Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Secret Key Agreement under Sampling Attack
- Secret Key Capacity and Advantage Distillation Capacity
- Chaotic Wandering and Search in a Cycle-Memory Neural Network : General and Mathematical Physics
- フォトリフラクティブ効果におけるレーザ光のスイッチング現象
- フォトリフラクティブ効果におけるレーザ光のスイッチング現象
- フォトリフラクティブ効果におけるレーザ光のスイッチング現象
- A Construction of Lossy Source Code Using LDPC Matrices
- A Construction of Channel Code, Joint Source-Channel Code, and Universal Code for Arbitrary Stationary Memoryless Channels Using Sparse Matrices
- 10-4 シーケンシャルな記憶をもつ神経回路網におけるカオス
- 神経回路網のカオスによる記憶の階層構造の出現
- Whispering Gallery Mode Lasers
- Source Coding Algorithms Using the Randomness of a Past Sequence(Information Theory)
- Conditional Lyapunov Exponent Depending on Spectrum of Input Noise in Common-Noise-Induced Synchronization
- Invariance of Frequency Difference in Nonresonant Entrainment of Detuned Oscillators Induced by Common White Noise
- Secret Key Agreement from Correlated Source Outputs Using Low Density Parity Check Matrices(Information Theory)
- フォトリフラクティブ効果におけるレーザ光のスイッチング現象
- An Information-Spectrum Approach to Rate-Distortion Function with Side Information
- An Information-Spectrum Approach to Rate-Distortion Function with Side Information
- On the Problem of Generating Mutually Independent Random Sequences
- Dual Quantity of the Distortion-Complexity and a Universal Data-Base for Fixed-Rate Data Compression with Distortion (Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Simulated Random Coding Algorithm for Correlated Sources with Ensemble of Linear Matrices(Information Theory)
- 神経回路網における記憶シーケンス間のカオス
- Synchronization of time-delay systems induced by exponentially correlated noise
- Channel Coding Algorithm Simulating the Random Coding(Information Theory)