Research on calpain of Schistosoma japonicum as a vaccine candidate
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-06-01
Department of Pathobiology, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
松岡 裕之
OHTA Nobuo
Department of Otolaryngology, Yamagata University School of Medicine
Matsuoka Hiroyuki
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Mys
Yoshimoto A
Department Of Molecular Parasitology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medicine Sciences
Matsuoka Hiroyuki
自治医科大学 医動物
Department of Environmental Parasitology Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medi
Matsuoka Hiroyuki
自治医科大学 医動物学部門
Department of Pediatrics, Nihon University School of Medicine
Ohta N
Section Of Environmental Parasitology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Ohta Nobuo
名古屋市立大学 医学研究科 宿主寄生体関係学
Hirai M
Division Of Medical Zoology Department Of Infection And Immunity Jichi Medical University
Ohta N
Department Of Molecular Parasitology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medicine Sciences
Ohta Nobuo
Department Of Medical Zoology Nagoya City University Medical School
HE Yongkan
Hunan Institute of Parasitic Diseases
Department of Molecular Parasitology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Kobayakawa Takatoshi
Department Of Medical Zoology Nagoya City University Medical School
Maruyama Haruhiko
Department Of Molecular Parasitology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Ohta Nobuo
Section Of Environmental Parasitology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Zhang R
Nagoya City Univ. Medical School Nagoya Jpn
Ohta Nobuo
Department Of Ent School Of Medicine Yamagata University
Zhang Renli
Department Of Medical Zoology Nagoya City University Medical School
Yoshida Ayako
Department Of Bio-medical Engineering Tokai University
Maruyama Haruhiko
Department Of Bioscience Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery
Kumagai Takashi
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Universit
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- Th1, Th2, Tc1 and Tc2 cells of patients with otolaryngological diseases
- Serum Concentrations of Eosinophil Cationic Protein and Eosinophils of Patients with Kimura's Disease
- Elevation of the Soluble form GPI-80, a β_2 Integrin-associated Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored Protein, in the Serum of Patients with Wegener's Granulomatosis
- 192 ダニ抽出物刺激によるヒト結膜細胞の活性化(眼アレルギー,一般演題(デジタルポスター),第57回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- 末梢血単核球と多核白血球によるインターロイキン8の産生と熱帯熱マラリア原虫の発育阻害作用
- Serum Concentrations of Eosinophil Cationic Protein and Eosinophils of Patients with Kimura's Disease
- Elevation of the Soluble form GPI-80, a β_2 Integrin-associated Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored Protein, in the Serum of Patients with Wegener's Granulomatosis
- A-25 吸血性昆虫・ダニの唾腺に含まれる生理活性物質に関する研究 : オオサシガメ Rhodnius prolixus の唾腺の構造と構成タンパク質の変動
- A-23 カメムシにおいて感染ストレスにより発現が誘導される遺伝子上流域の解析
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- 211 ダニ抽出物刺激によるケラチノサイト活性化とセリンプロテアーゼインヒビターによる抑制(アトピー性皮膚炎2,一般演題(デジタルポスター),第57回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- Further investigations of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase variants in Flores Island, eastern Indonesia
- 182 ダニアレルゲンのプロテアーゼ活性によるケラチノサイトの活性化(アレルゲン, 抗原(6), 第55回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- 自治医科大学医動物学教室で3年間(2000-2002)に経験した寄生虫・衛生動物関連症例の検討
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- アトピー性皮膚炎の実験モデルNCマウスの皮膚炎発症とハツカネズミケモチダニ感染の関係(一般講演)(第11回日本ダニ学会大会講演要旨(福井大会))
- C10 マウスにおける lgE 誘導に関与するネッタイタマニクダニ (Blomia tropicalis) アレルゲンの解析
- A07 ハマダラカのもつキヌレニン水酸化酵素のクローニングおよび酵素活性を有する組み換え蛋白の発現
- Myobia musculi感染NCマウスのダニ特異的IgE抗体産生と皮膚炎
- 459 熱帯タマニクダニ(Blomia tropicalis)抗原の鼻腔内投与によるIgE産生誘導と抗原分析
- 175 ヒョウヒダニ抗原の耳介部への塗布によるアトピー性皮膚炎モデルマウスの作製
- 5種の蚊の唾液腺におけるマラリア生殖母体活性化因子の比較
- A09 5 種の蚊の唾液腺におけるマラリア生殖体鞭毛放出誘導因子の比較
- 226 ヒョウヒダニ抗原の背皮膚への塗布によるアトピー性皮膚炎モデルマウスの作製
- EA21 だ液腺 (An. Stephensi) に存在するマラリア原虫の exflagellation 誘導因子について
- P191 Single-chain immunotoxin による蚊のステージのマラリア原虫の伝播阻止効果の検討
- マラリア制圧の分子論的展開とフィールドスタディー・研究集会報告 14 各種蚊の唾液腺におけるマラリア原虫雄生殖母体活性化物質
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- Structure and Regulatory Expression of A Single Copy Alternative Oxidase Gene from the Yeast Pichia anomala
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- 吸血に伴うハマダラカ唾液腺蛋白の減少と被吸血マウスにおける抗唾液腺抗体の誘導
- B-7 ヒョウヒダニアレルギー患者に対し減感作療法を実施したときの血清中抗ヒョウヒダニ特異的 IgE, IgG_4 の変動
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- 9 吸血性昆虫・ダニの唾腺に含まれる生理活性物質に関する研究 : オオサシガメ唾腺の凝血阻害物質について
- 128 吸血性昆虫・ダニの唾液腺に含まれる生理活性物質に関する研究 : オオサシガメ唾液腺の凝血阻害物質 Prolixin-S の cDNA クローニングと発現
- 127 吸血性昆虫・ダニの唾液腺に含まれる生理活性物質に関する研究 : オオサシガメ唾液腺の凝血阻害物質 Prolixin-S の精製と性状
- 116 吸血に伴う蚊唾液腺の変化と被吸血マウスにおける抗唾液腺抗体の産生
- 115 ネズミマラリア原虫 (スボロゾイト) の唾腺への侵入過程の走査電顕観察
- B-6 蚊刺咬過敏症患者血清を用いた IgG・IgE 抗体を誘導するチカイエカ唾腺抗原の検出
- Fulminant Eosinophilic Myocarditis Associated With Visceral Larva Migrans Caused by Toxocara Canis Infection
- Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) against the Bcl-2 Gene Increases Apoptosis in a Canine Melanoma Cell Line
- 26S rDNA-Based Phylogenetic Investigation of Japanese Cattle-Associated Prototheca zopfii Isolates
- Reticulated Platelet Levels in Whole Blood and Platelet-Rich Plasma of Dogs with Various Platelet Counts Measured by Flow Cytometry(Clinical Pathology)
- Enhanced UV♀1 tumor growth in CBF1 mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni due to modulation of Th1-like responses
- A11 ハマダラカ (Anopheles stephensi) の吸血中に唾液腺から放出される一蛋白分子のクローニング
- マラリア媒介蚊 Anopheles stephensi における吸血中の唾液腺蛋白の変化と吸血後の中腸内容物からの唾液腺蛋白の検出
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- P75 IL-5 enhances intestinal immunity against adult Strongyloides venezuelensis
- Chemotherapeutic efficacy of ascofuranone in Trypanosoma vivax-infected mice without glycerol
- Molecular cloning and characterization of Trypanosoma vivax alternative oxidase (AOX) gene, a target of the trypanocide ascofuranone
- Overproduction of highly active trypanosome alternative oxidase in Escherichia coli heme-deficient mutant
- The efficacy of ascofuranone in a consecutive treatment on Trypanosoma brucei brucei in mice
- Strain-specific difference in amino acid sequences of trypanosome alternative oxidase
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- Trypanocidal Effects of Curcumin in Vitro
- Formation of Reactive Oxygen Intermediates Might be Involved in the Trypanocidal Activity of Gallic Acid
- Oral and Intraperitoneal treatment of Trypanosoma brucei brucei with a combination of ascofuranone and glycerol in mice
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) mutations in Myanmar : G6PD Mahidol (487G>A) is the most common variant in the Myanmar population
- Evaluation of the anthelmintic effects of artesunate against experimental Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice using different treatment protocols
- Five different glucose-6-phophate dehydrogenase (G6PD) variants found among 11 G6PD-deficient persons in Flores Island, Indonesia
- Predominant cell-mediated immunity in the oral mucosa : gene gun-based vaccination against infectious diseases
- Two cases of glucose-6-phophate dehydrogenase-deficient Nepalese belonging to the G6PD Mediterranean-type, not India-Pakistan sub-type but Mediterranean-Middle East sub-type
- A rodent malaria, Plasmodium berghei, is experimentally transmitted to mice by merely probing of infective mosquito, Anopheles stephensi
- Reports of Parasitic Diseases and Entomological Cases in the Department of Medical Zoology,Jichi Medical School:Accumulated Cases from Five Years
- cDNA Sequencing and Expression of Rat Mast Cell Tryptase^1
- A31 PCR によるマラリア媒介蚊のマラリア原虫保有率算出と sporozoite rate の推定
- A Simple Screening Method for Detecting Bindings between Oligopeptides and HLA-DR Molecules on Filter Papers:Possible Application for Mapping of Putative Helper T-Cell Epitopes on MSP1 of Plasmodium falciparum
- MSP1-reactive T cells in individuals in malaria endemic Solomon area and in non-immune Japanese
- Effects of streptococcal preparation, OK-432, on human peripheral neutrophil functions
- HLA-DR, MT AND MB ANTIGENS IN TAKAYASU DISEASE : Peripheral Circulation . Cerebral Circulation : 46th Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- HLA and Clinical Manifestations in Takayasu Disease : SYMPOSIUM ON CLINICAL PROBLEMS IN AORTIC DISEASES
- CONSTITUTIONAL FACTORS IN TAKAYASU DISEASE : FROM THE STUDY OF MULTIPLEX FAMILIES WITH TAKAYASU DISEASE : Arrhythmia I, Immunity & Heredity, Contractile Protein : IVth Auditorium : Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society
- 19 カーペットの使用期間と室内塵性ダニ類の発生の関係について
- Research on calpain of Schistosoma japonicum as a vaccine candidate
- Adult worms of the rodent intestinal nematode, Strongyloides venezuelensis, successfully invatde chick intestinal mucosa
- Cloning and molecuar characterization of calpain, a calcium-activated neutral proteinase, from different strains of Schistoma japonicum
- Immune responses ageinst protozoal and nematodal infection in mice with underlyng Schistosoma mansoni infection
- マラリア制圧の分子論的展開とフィールドスタディー・研究集会報告 13 だ液腺(An. Stephensi)に存在するマラリア原虫のexflagellation 誘導因子について
- 一般家屋のヒョウダニ相に及ぼす温湿度の影響(第 6 回日本ダニ学会大会講演要旨)
- A38 吸血に伴うハマダラカ唾液腺構成蛋白の変化
- 10 PCR によるマラリア媒介蚊からのマラリア DNA の検出
- 吸血蚊中のマラリア原虫DNAのPCRによる検出
- Protective Effect of Vaccination with Toxoplasma Lysate Antigen and CpG as an Adjuvant against Toxoplasma gondii in Susceptible C57BL/6 Mice
- Screening of HLA-DR-Restricted Helper T-cell Epitopes of MSP1 of Plasmodium falciparum in Humans(Abstracts from the Malaria Workshop)
- Changes in AlPase Activity of Rabbit Articular Cartilages Associated with Aging and Joint Contracture
- Expression of Inter-α-Trypsin Inhibitor Light Chain (Bikunin) in Human Pancreas
- Historical view of schistosomiasis japonica in Japan : implementation and evaluation of disease-control strategies in Yamanashi Prefecture
- Changes in HRP penetration into the articular cartilage of the experimentally contracted joint.
- Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) against the Survivin Gene Increases Apoptosis in a Canine Melanoma Cell Line
- Relationship between Airborne Cry j 1 and the Onset Time of the Symptoms of Japanese Cedar Pollinosis Patients
- PbGCβ Is Essential for Plasmodium Ookinete Motility to Invade Midgut Cell and for Successful Completion of Parasite Life Cycle in Mosquitoes
- A case report of pleural sparganosis
- Fine binding Specificities to Ascaris suum and Ascaris lumbricoides antigens of the sera from patients of probable visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum