Bilateral Anterior Cerebral Artery Territory Infarction Associated with Unilateral Hypoplasia of the A1 Segment : Report of Two Cases
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-11-01
工藤 祥
工藤 祥
佐賀大学 医学部放射線科
Kuroda Yasuo
Department of Cardiology,Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
Takase Yukinori
Department of Radiology, Saga University Faculty of Medicine
Uchino Akira
Department of Radiology, Saga University Faculty of Medicine
工藤 祥
済生会唐津病院 放射線科
Uchino Akira
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
Uchino Akira
Department Of Agrobiology Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Tokyo
Kuroda Yasuo
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Neurology Saga Medical School
Department of Radiology, Saga Medical School
SAWADA Akihiro
Department of Radiology, Saga Medical School
Department of Radiology, Saga Medical School
Kudo Sho
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
Sawada Akihiro
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School Reprint Requests To Akira Uchino M. D. Department Of Rad
Sawada Akihiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Takase Yukinori
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
Takase Yukinori
Department Of Neurosurgery Saga University Faculty Of Medicine
Uchino Akira
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School Hospital
Takase Yukinori
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine Saga University
Yamaguchi Ken
Department Of Electrical Engineering Yokohama National University
Yamaguchi Ken
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
Kudo Shou
Department Of Radiology Saga Medical School
TAKASE Yukinori
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University
Department of Cardiology, Aichi Medical University
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