地球エコシステム具現化に関する調査・研究 : CO_2分離・地中隔離・エココンビナートの導入
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"Earth Eco System" is essential for the sustainable development in the near future. From 2001, NEDO, Japan started the project with universities and industries on innovative ceramics absorbent material and the CO2 recovery system for Geological Sequestration.This material is a powdered substance named lithium silicate, a combination of lithium that easily reacts with CO2. As the reaction formula is Li4SiO4 + CO2 = Li2SiO3 + Li2CO3, repeated recovery and recovering of CO2 is possible. It absorbs CO2 at a high temperature around 500 to 600 degrees centigrade (C). The reaction heat can be recovered and reused for generation of steam and electricity. Appling effectively to industrial heat and power systems, this material may enable significant reduction of CO2 emissions with a small energy penalty.As 80% of the world primary energy is dependant on fossil fuel, it is essential to address large-scale emission sources to achieve the reduction targets set by the Kyoto Protocol of COP3. Even though promotion of utilizing renewable energy, energy conservation, fuel conversion to natural gas, etc. are important measures for reducing CO2 emissions, sustained utilization of fossil fuels including coal resources cannot be denied from the viewpoint of efficient use of resources. For this reason, the implementation of an effective CO2 recovery and sequestration system is the key to efficient use of fossil fuel for the sake of the global environment.CO2 separation/geological sequestration/bio-factory as the "Earth Eco System" for industrial use should be the major way to establish the sustainable energy system by using fossil fuel including coal resources for the global environment.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
- 2004-12-25
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