- 論文の詳細を見る
Tensile fractures were nucleated and developed from a borehole, which was drilled at the center of a block of granite with two types of boundary conditions. Samples were then prepared from the blocks before the fracture penetrated throughout the block, in order to clarify the fracture surfaces in the original condition. Next, cross sectional photographs of the samples containing the fracture were taken by holding the fracture surfaces in the original opening condition. Based on the photographs, coordinate values of upper and lower boundaries of fracture profiles were measured at a regular interval. Moreover, fracture apertures, fracture angle, and closing direction of fracture surfaces were estimated at each local part of both fracture surfaces.It was found that the fracture angle of the fracture surfaces tended to gradually decrease from the wall of the borehole to the fracture front. This result reveals that the upper and lower fracture surfaces can be assumed to be almost the same in direction with regards to approaching the fracture front.Two patterns of the fracture propagation could be extracted from a distribution of closing direction vectors of the fracture surfaces. One is a linear pattern, and the other is a radial pattern. These patterns are similar in structure to a tree spreading out its branches. It was considered that such a structure is closely related to the fractal behavior for roughness evaluated by fracture profiles.The aperture tended to gradually decrease with a distance from the wall of the borehole. Its decreasing direction harmonized well with the direction of the fracture propagation. It was recognized that macroscopic distribution of apertures was strongly related to the distribution of tensile stress induced in samples before the occurrence of fractures.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
- 2004-11-25
児玉 淳一
児玉 淳一
室蘭工業大学工学部 材料物性工学科
後藤 龍彦
羅 紹河
室蘭工業大学大学院 工学研究科 建設工学専攻
後藤 龍彦
室蘭工業大学 工学部材料物性工学科
児玉 淳一
児玉 淳一
室蘭工業大学 工学部材料物性工学科
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