スギCryptomeria japonica D.Don(スギ科)林分におけるヒノキカワモグリガEpinotia granitalis Butler(チョウ目:ハマキガ科)成虫のライトトラップ誘殺調査による羽化消長把握の信頼性
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To determine more accurate emergence patterns of the cypress bark moth Epinotia granitalis Butler, pupal exuviae left on the tree trunks of the Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica D. Don were directly counted daily in the field. The emergence patterns were compared with the daily number of E. granitalis adults caught at a light trap in order to examine whether the light trap data reflects the emergence patterns of the moth in the field. The actual emergence in the field and light trap catches started almost simultaneously, although a few adults were trapped after the end of the actual emergence and the 50% light trap catches appeared several days later than the 50% emergence date. Therefore, the light trapping method can be used to determine the beginning of E. granitalis emergence. When the trapping data are approximated to a theoretical distribution pattern, then the 50% emergence date can be forecasted with date from two or three trappings at the beginning of emergence. This allows for the determination of an appropriate date for control of the adult moths in the field.
- 2004-08-25
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- スギCryptomeria japonica D.Don(スギ科)林分におけるヒノキカワモグリガEpinotia granitalis Butler(チョウ目:ハマキガ科)成虫のライトトラップ誘殺調査による羽化消長把握の信頼性
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