Heterogeneous Reactivity of Murine Epidermal Langerhans Cells after Application of FITC : a Histochemical Evaluation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-10-01
Department of Amatony, Fukushima Medical College
土井 悟
Torii Shinpei
Department Of Pediatrics Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Miya
Department Of Anatomy Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Torii Shinpei
Department Of Domestic Science Aichigakusen University
Sakamoto Tatsuo
Department Of Pediatrics Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Sakamoto Tatsuo
Department Of Pediatrics Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sugiura Yasuo
Department Of Anatomy Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Sugiura Yasuo
Department Of Amatony Fukushima Medical College
Kobayashi Miya
Department Of Anatomy Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
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