Maturation of Fermented Rice-koji Miso Can Be Monitored by an Increase in Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester
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A mixture of steamed soybean and boiled rice with seeded Aspergillus oryzae was naturally fermented without addition of yeasts or Lactobacilli, and kept matured for 12 months at room temperature. Chemical analysis of this rice-koji miso sample for lipid changes during maturation showed that triacylglycerol was gradually decomposed into free fatty acid, with distinct formation of fatty acid ethyl ester which, six months after the start of fermentation, came to account for 35.0% of total lipid. The ester was constituted primarily with linoleic acid (ca. 50%) and oleic acid (ca. 20%), no appreciable change in this proportion being observed during maturation. Also, the proportion was unique in that this did not reflect the fatty acid composition in a mixture of the two materials. It is possible to monitor the maturation of the rice-koji miso by following up the increase with time in fatty acid ethyl ester.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2004-01-23
金子 憲太郎
金子 憲太郎
金子 憲太郎
Takita Toshichika
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Takita Toshichika
Department Of Nutrition Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Kaneko Kentaro
Koriyama Women's Junior College
Kaneko Kentaro
Faculty Of Applied Life Science Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science University
Kaneko Kentaro
Department Of Food Science Applied Life Science Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science University
Kaneko Kentaro
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Engineering Saga University
Inoue Hiroko
Department Of Biosciences Kyushu Dental College
Inoue Hiroko
Department Of Food Science Applied Life Science Nippon Veterinary And Animal Science University
Tokyo Dietitian Academy
KANEKO Kentaro
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Niigata University
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