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We studied the characteristics of adsorbents that were prepared by the reaction between crystallized molten slag formed from a melting process and high fatty acid with COO- ions such as stearic acid and oleic acid. It was confirmed that the amount of oil adsorbed by the adsorbent with stearic acid treatment was larger than that by the adsorbent with oleic acid treatment and the amounts of carbon of the adsorbent and carbonized adsorbent with stearic acid were larger than those of the adsorbents with oleic acid treatment and the adsorbents with stearic acid treatment were more hydrophobic. IR analysis revealed that metallic soap salts such as stearic acid calcium salt and calcium oleate were formed on the surface of the slag. The oil floating on water was not emulsified and sunk under water. The oil-adsorbent agglomerates were not destroyed and the adsorbed oil was not desorbed. The optimum carbonization temperature was 200°C, and when the adsorbent was carbonized at more than 300°C, the oil could not be adsorbed because of carbon reduction. The amounts of adsorbed by the adsorbent and carbonized adsorbent with stearic acid treatment for A-level heavy oil were 0.37ml/g and 0.41ml/g, respectively, and those with oleic acid treatment were 0.18ml/g and 0.38ml/g, respectively. The A-level heavy oil adsorbed by the carbonized adsorbent was easily desorbed by n-hexane and the recovery ratio was approximately 90%.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
- 2004-05-10
島岡 隆行
島岡 隆行
島岡 隆行
藤田 幸生
藤田 幸生
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