Isolation and characterization of a novel member of human and mouse ADAM family, ADAM33
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- 2001-10-01
西井 一宏
藤田保健衛生大学 総合医科学研究所:藤田保健衛生大学 疾患モデル教育研究センター
Nishii Kazuhiro
Institute For Comprehensive Medical Science Fujita Health University
SAWADA Hirohide
Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science, Fujita Health University
Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science, Fujita Health University
Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science, Fujita Health University
R&D Laboratories, Nippon Organon K. K.
R&D Laboratories, Nippon Organon K. K.
YOSHINO Koichiro
R&D Laboratories, Nippon Organon K. K.
Department of Basic Laboratory Sciences, School of Allied Health Science, Osaka University Faculty o
Sawada Hirohide
Institute For Comprehensive Medical Science Fujita Health University
Yoshino Koichiro
R&d Laboratories Nippon Organon K. K.
Yoshinaka Tsuyoshi
R&d Laboratories Nippon Organon K. K.
Yamada Kouji
Institute For Comprehensive Medical Science Fujita Health University
Yamada K
Laboratory Of Cytogenetics Division Of Biosciences Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Ho
Ishiguro Hiroshi
Institute For Comprehensive Medical Science Fujita Health University
Nishiwaki Eiji
R&d Laboratories Nippon Organon K. K.
Higashiyama S
Department Of Biochemistry Osaka University Medical School
Higashiyama Shigeki
Department Of Basic Laboratory Sciences School Of Allied Health Science Osaka University Faculty Of
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