Electrical Properties of Melt-Epitaxy-Grown InAs_<0.04>Sb_<0.96> Layers with Cutoff Wavelength of 12μm
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2004-03-15
Gong X
Institute Of Semiconductor And Information Technology College Of Electronics And Information Enginee
Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
Yamaguchi T
Microelectronics Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy o
National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy o
GUI Yong
National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy o
DAI Ning
National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy o
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