喘息ストレスは脳ヒスタミンH_1受容体の Up-regulation を誘発する
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-12-25
加瀬 義夫
五十嵐 康
株式会社ツムラ ツムラ研究所
加瀬 義夫
株式会社ツムラ ツムラ研究所
加瀬 義夫
譲原 光利
Kase Y
Tsumura Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Kase Yoshio
国立長寿医療センター研究所 老年病研究部
Kase Yoshio
Central Research Laboratory Tsumura & Co.
加瀬 義夫
五十嵐 康
譲原 光利
譲原 光利
株式会社ツムラ 医薬評価研究所
譲原 光利
- S1-3 覚醒犬における近位部胃弛緩能の評価 : 漢方薬"六君子湯"の急性および慢性投与が流動食自発摂取時の上部消化管運動反応に及ぼす影響(消化管機能研究におけるstandard and new technique,シンポジウム1,第52回日本平滑筋学会総会)
- 抗癌剤による食欲不振に対する六君子湯の効果
- デキストラン硫酸Na惹起性急性潰瘍性大腸炎におけるインターロイキンl2の関与と生薬成分誘導体の効果
- 1. 大建中湯の腸管機能に対する作用と活性成分(第 6 回小児外科漢方研究会)
- APP-Tgマウスの学習障害と周辺症状に対する抑肝散の効果
- チアミン欠乏マウスの社会的行動性低下および攻撃性増加に対する抑肝散の改善効果
- 抑肝散のパラクロロアンフェタミン誘発攻撃行動に対する改善作用
- 1 漢方製剤の文献的な考察(第613回新潟医学会,外科系領域における漢方治療の現況)
- 01P2-004 ラット変形性膝関節症モデルにおける防已黄耆湯の改善効果(薬物療法(基礎と臨床),医療薬学の扉は開かれた)
- モルモット単離胃におけるgastric adaptive relaxationについての検討
- I-2 L-NNA 誘発胃排出の遅延に対する六君子湯の効果
- G-3 El マウスの攻撃行動に対する柴胡加竜骨牡蠣湯の作用
- 1. 六君子湯の胃機能に対する作用(第 5 回 小児外科漢方研究会)
- 28E-01 半夏瀉心湯の止瀉作用と活性成分の関連
- 甘草の抗潰瘍作用本体の解明
- General Pharmacological Properties of Dai-kenchu-to Extract
- General Pharmacological Properties of Daio-kanzo-to
- 大建中湯の消化管機能に対する作用 (第14回天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム 講演要旨集) -- (シンポジウム-2 漢方薬の基礎研究から新しい臨床研究への展開)
- General Pharmacological Properties of Juzen-taiho-to
- General Pharmacological Properties of Hochu-ekki-to
- 演題3 大建中湯の消化管運動機能改善作用(第8回小児外科漢方研究会(第40回日本小児外科学会総会ランチョンセミナー))
- E-039(31) 柴苓湯の尿排泄調節作用
- GnRHアナログを処置した雄性ラットのCGRP誘発皮膚温上昇に対する桂枝茯苓丸の抑制作用
- General Pharmacological Properties of Choto-san extracts
- 五味子リグナン成分(+)-(6S, 7S, R-Biar)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,3,12-tetramethoxy-6,7-dimethyl-10,11-methylenedioxy-6-dibenzo[a, c]cyclooctenol(TJN-101)の肝障害抑制作用に関する研究.実験的急性肝障害における溶解補助剤の差異による効果の変動
- 喘息ストレスは脳ヒスタミンH_1受容体の Up-regulation を誘発する
- Synephrine, a Component of Evodiae Fructus, Constricts Isolated Rat Aorta via Adrenergic and Serotonergic Receptors
- Goshuyuto, a Traditional Japanese Medicine, and Aqueous Extracts of Evodiae Fructus Constrict Isolated Rat Aorta via Adrenergic and/or Serotonergic Receptors(Pharmacology)
- Goshuyuto, a Traditional Japanese Medicine for Migraine, Inhibits Platelet Aggregation in Guinea-Pig Whole Blood
- An Herbal Medicine Orengedokuto Prevents Indomethacin-Induced Enteropathy(Pharmacology)
- Effects of Saireito, a Japanese herbal medicine, on edema via antagonistic actions against aldosterone in anti-GBM nephritic rats
- Pharmacokinetics of (-)Epicatechin 3-O-Gallate, Glycyrrhetic Acid and Rhein in Healthy Male Volunteers after Multiple Dose Administration of TJ-8117 (Unipito), a Japanese Traditional Medicine for Renal Failure
- Pharmacokinetics of (-)Epicatechin 3-O-Gallate, Glycyrrhetic Acid and Rhein in Healthy Male Volunteers after a Single Dose Administration of TJ-8117 (Unpito), a Japanese Traditional Medicine for Renal Failure
- Antinociceptive Effect of Shakuyakukanzoto, a Kampo Medicine, in Diabetic Mice
- Glycyrrhizin induced hypokaliemia in laboratory animal(Endocrine system, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- The influence of the sennosides on absorption of glycyrrhetic acid in rats
- Effects of Rikkunshi-to, a Traditional Japanese Medicine, on the Delay of Gastric Emptying Induced by N^G-Nitro-L-arginine
- Antianginal Effects of Lercanidipine on the Vasopressin or Methacholine Induced Anginal Model in Rats(Pharmacology)
- Diabetic Complications in a New Animal Model (TSOD mouse) of Spontaneous NIDDM with Obesity
- Effects of Rikkunshi-to, a Traditional Japanese Medicine, on the Delay of Gastric Emptying Induced by NG-Nitro-L-arginine
- Effect of Sairei-to on signal transduction of the vasopressin V2 receptor in rat renal cortex
- Effects of 17β-Estradiol and the Japanese Herbal Medicine Keishi-bukuryo-gan on the Release and Synthesis of Calcitonin Gene-RelatedPeptide in Ovariectomized Rats
- Pharmacological Characteristics of Ryokan-Kyomi-shinge-nin-to, an Antiallergic Kampo Medicine
- Pharmacological Evaluation of Shokyo and Kankyo (1)
- Dai-kenchu-to Enhances Accelerated Small Intestinal Movement
- Pharmacological Studies of the Effect of Dai-kenchu-to on Spontaneous Contraction of Isolated Rabbit Jejunum
- Effects of Dai-kenchu-to on Intestinal Obstruction Following Laparotomy
- Effects of Keishi-ka-shakuyaku-to (Gui-Zhi-Jia-Shao-Yao-Tang) on Diarrhea and Small Intestinal Movement
- Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Cholera Toxin-Induced Fluid Secretion in the Small Intestine of Rats
- The Effects of Hange-shashin-to on the Content of Prostaglandin E_2 and Water Absorption in the Large Intestine of Rats
- Pharmacological Studies on Antidiarrheal Effects of Hange-Shashin-To
- ジアゼパムで誘発される線条体および海馬のアセチルコリン遊離抑制におよぼす柴朴湯の作用
- 甘草の抗潰瘍作用本体の解明
- 釣藤鈎の研究(第1報)華鈎藤の科学的評価
- 30B-01 老齢ラットのコリン作働性神経機能に対する当帰芍薬散の効果について
- The Pharmacological Effects of Daikenchuto, a Traditional Herbal Medicine, on Delayed Gastrointestinal Transit in Rat Postoperative Ileus
- Mechanisms by Which Hange-shashin-to Reduces Prostaglandin E2 Levels
- The Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Gastric Function in Comparison with Sho-saiko-to
- Preventive Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Irinotecan Hydrochloride-Caused Diarrhea and Its Relevance to the Colonic Prostaglandin E_2 and Water Absorption in the Rat
- The Effect of Herbal Medicine Toki-shakuyaku-san on Blood Pressure in an N^ω-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester-Induced Pre-eclampsia Rat Model During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
- Saireito probably prevents mesangial cell proliferation in HIGA mice via PDGF-BB tyrosine kinase inhibition
- Relevance of Irinotecan Hydrochloride-Induced Diarrhea to the Level of Prostaglandin E_2 and Water Absorption of Large Intestine in Rats
- Effects of TJN-598, a new selective phosphodiesterase type IV inhibitor on anti-Thy1 nephritis in rats
- 五味子の薬理学的研究(第3報) : ラット実験的肝障害に対する五味子リグナン成分Wuweizisu Cの作用
- 甘草の抗潰瘍作用本体の解明
- Possible Involvement of the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 Channel in Postoperative Adhesive Obstruction and Its Prevention by a Kampo (Traditional Japanese) Medicine, Daikenchuto