MR Imaging of Epidermoids at the Cerebellopontine Angle
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The most common location of intracranial epidermoid is the cerebellopontine angle (CPA). The present study compared the visibility of epidermoid at the CPA in various pulse sequences. Seven patients with epidermoid at the CPA underwent conventional MR imaging (T1-, T2- and proton density-weighted imaging) as well as diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging. Fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences, magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) sequences, and MR cisternography were employed for selected patients. The signal intensity of the lesions relative to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the degree of lesion demarcation and the displacement of surrounding structures were evaluated. Proton density-weighted imaging depicted the lesions as hyperintense to CSF with clearer delineation than T1- and T2-weighted imaging. Diffusion-weighted imaging depicted all lesions as strongly hyperintense relative to CSF and brain tissue. FLAIR sequences depicted the lesions with mixed signal intensities but with poor-to-medium demarcation. MTC imaging increased delineation of the lesions to some degree. MR cisternography depicted the lesions as hypointense to CSF and clearly showed the anatomical relation to neighboring nerves and vessels. We concluded that diffusion-weighted imaging could specifically reveal an epidermoid at the CPA as a strongly hyperintense lesion, and that MR cisternography is mandatory for preoperative planning.
- 日本磁気共鳴医学会の論文
- 2003-10-01
Itai Yuji
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Itai Yuji
Department Fo Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Scie
LIU Ping
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba
Liu Ping
Department Of Applied Quantum Physics And Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Kyushu
Saida Yukihisa
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Saida Yukihisa
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Institute Of Medical Pharmaceutical And Health Sciences Faculty Of
Yoshioka Hiroshi
Department Of Pediatrics Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Yoshioka Hiroshi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology The University Of Tokushima Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Liu Ping
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Liu Ping
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Okayama University
Yoshioka Hiroshi
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
Saida Yukihisa
Department Fo Radiology Institute Of Clinical Medicine University Of Tsukuba
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