Evaluation of B-mode Ultrasonographic Images of Carotid Lesions by Computer Analysis as Compared with Visual Assessment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-03-01
Department of Gerontologic Medicine, Tokyo Medical School
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
Takasaki Masaru
Department Of Chemical Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
UMAHARA Takahiko
Department of Geriatrics, Tokyo Medical University
KIUCHI Akihiro
Department of Geriatrics, Tokyo Medical University
Takasaki Masaru
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Umahara Takahiko
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo Medical University
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
Takasaki Masharu
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Kiuchi Akihiro
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Iwamoto Toshihiko
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Iwamoto Toshihiko
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo Medical College
Shinozkai Kazushi
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo Medical University
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