Sensitivity Analysis for Multiplication Factor Change of LWR Cell Caused by the Differences between JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3
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A detailed sensitivity analysis based on transport theory was performed for typical LWR cells of LWR to clarify the contribution to infinite multiplication factor (k–inf) change for nuclide, reaction type and energy range. The k–inf change caused by the difference in cross section sets between JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3 was investigated for some UO2 and MOX cells. The k–inf change is −0.50 to −0.74%Δk⁄k for the UO2 cells and −0.04 to +0.02%Δk⁄k for the MOX cells. In the UO2 cells, the difference in 235U capture cross section causes the change of −0.36 to −0.70%Δk⁄k mainly in the resonance energy range, and 235U fission cross section causes the change of −0.22 to −0.16%Δk⁄k mainly in the thermal energy range. The difference in 238U capture cross section causes a change of about −0.05%Δk⁄k mainly in the energy range above 1 MeV. In the MOX cells, a small k–inf change results from the cancellation of relatively large contributions of capture reactions of 240Pu and 241Am. The capture reaction of 240Pu has a k–inf contribution of +0.10 to +0.30%Δk⁄k mainly in the resonance energy range. This is offset by the capture reaction of 241Am which has a contribution of −0.13 to −0.22%Δk⁄k primarily at the resonance peak near 0.6 eV.
- 2004-02-25
TAKEDA Toshikazu
Department of Urology, Keio University School of Medicine
YAMASAKI Masatoshi
Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd.
KITADA Takanori
Department of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osak
Takeda Toshikazu
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
TATSUMI Masahiro
Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd.
Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd.
Kitada Takanori
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering
Takeda T
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering
Tatsumi Masahiro
Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd.
Yamasaki Masatoshi
Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd.
Yamamoto Akio
Nuclear Fuel Industries Ltd.
Takeda Toshikazu
Department of Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
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