Effect of Potential Allelochemicals Extracted from Sargassum Horneri on the Growth of Red Tide Microalgae (特集 沿岸域の自然再生に向けた技術と政策立案の支援手法)
Graduate school of Engineering, Tohoku University
Nishimura Osamu
Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Xu Kaiqin
Senior Researcher Nies
Chiba Nobuo
Technical Official Dept. Of Civil Eng. Tohoku University
Sudo Ryuichi
Tohoku Institute Of Technology
Takeda Fumihiko
Dept. Of Civil Eng. Tohoku University
Postdoctral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Sakamaki Takashi
Postdoctral Fellow Japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
Nishimura Osamu
Graduate School Of Eng. Tohoku University
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- Effect of Potential Allelochemicals Extracted from Sargassum Horneri on the Growth of Red Tide Microalgae (特集 沿岸域の自然再生に向けた技術と政策立案の支援手法)
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