Change in Microstructure and Solubility Improvement of HAp Ceramics by Heat-Treatment in a Vacuum
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2002-12-01
OKAZAKI Masayuki
Department of Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Hiroshima University
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
EBISU Shigeyuki
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontology, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
NAKANO Takayoshi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering
Ebisu Shigeyuki
Department Of Restorative Dentistry And Endodontology Osaka University Graduate School Of Dentistry
Ebisu Shigeyuki
Department Of Conservative Dentistry Osaka University Faculty Of Dentistry
Ebisu Shigeyuki
Department Of Restorative Dentistry And Endodontology Division Of Oral Infections And Disease Contro
Umakoshi Yukichi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering & Frontier Research Center Graduate School Of En
Nakano Takayoshi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Osaka University Graduate School Of Engineering
Nakano Takayoshi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering & Frontier Research Center Graduate School Of En
Imazato Satoshi
Department Of Restorative Dentistry And Endodontology Osaka University Graduate School Of Dentistry
EHARA Atsushi
Department of Conservative Dentistry, Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry
Ehara Atsushi
Department Of Restorative Dentistry And Endodontology Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka University
KAIBARA Kazuhiro
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
OGATA Koretada
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka Universit
Ogata Koretada
Department Of Restorative Dentistry And Endodontology Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka University
Kaibara Kazuhiro
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Okazaki Masayuki
Department Of Biomaterial Science Division Of Molecular Medical Science Hiroshima University Graduat
Imazato Satoshi
Osaka Univ. Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka Jpn
Umakoshi Yukichi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Imazato Satoshi
Department Of Arts And Sciences Osaka University Of Education
Okazaki Masayuki
Department Of Biomaterials Science Hiroshima University Faculty Of Density
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