Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Associative Perfluoroalkyl-End-Capped Polystyrene
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Society of Polymer Scienceの論文
- 2002-03-15
遊佐 真一
Department of Macromolecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Department of Macromolecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
遊佐 真一
Department of Applied Chemistry, Himeji Institute of Technology
Yamamoto Tohei
Department Of Materials Science And Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering University Of Hyogo
Yamamoto Tohei
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Himeji Institute Of Technology
Morishima Y
Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University Of Technology
Morishima Yotaro
Department Of Macromolecular Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Hashidzume Akihito
Department Of Macromolecular Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Hashidzume Akihito
Department Of Macromolecular Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
YUSA Shin-ichi
Department of Macromolecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
遊佐 真一
遊佐 真一
Yusa Shin-ichi
Department Of Macromolecular Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
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