Simultaneous quantification of retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid isomers by high-performance liquid chromatography with a simple gradiation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-06-15
Ishii Hiromasa
神戸大学 医学部内科学
Ishii Hiromasa
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Ishii Hiromasa
Department Of Gastroenterology Keio University School Of Medicine
Ishii H
Division Of Gastroenterology Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
MIYAGI Michiko
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
Miyagi Michiko
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Yokoyama Hirokazu
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University
Shiraishi Haruko
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
Matsumoto Michinaga
Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Keio University
- 飲酒が代謝動態に与える影響を探る (特集 飲酒と生活習慣病のかかわりを探る)
- わが国におけるアルコール性肝硬変の実態とその進展因子に関する検討
- 飲酒の肝硬変進展への影響 : C型肝炎とアルコール性肝硬変の関係について
- 飲酒の肝硬変進展への影響-C型肝炎とアルコール性肝障害の関係について
- アルコール依存症男性の胃癌のリスクと、H. pylori 感染、慢性萎縮性胃炎、MCV, ALDH2遺伝子型との関連
- 当院におけるアルコール性肝硬変に対する肝移植の現状
- アルコール性肝硬変進展ならびに発癌における生活習慣病の影響について
- 追想 : Lieber 先生とアルコール医学
- アルコールによる代謝異常 : 特に糖代謝への影響とメタボリック症候群 (Mets) との関連について
- アルコール性肝疾患とメタボリックシンドローム--その相互関係に関する一考察 (特集 肝疾患診療の新しい展開)
- アルコール性肝障害の最近の動向:病因・病態の新しい展開 (特集 肝疾患を生活習慣から考える)
- 生活習慣病としてのアルコール性肝硬変 : 糖尿病、肥満の影響と性差についての検討
- 非B非C大酒家肝細胞癌におけるALDH2、ADH2遺伝子関与の検討
- 非B非Cアルコール性肝疾患における過形成性結節と肝細胞癌の鑑別
- アルコール性肝硬変の進展に関与する因子の検討
- 白血球除去療法は重症型アルコール性肝炎の救命率を改善するか?
- 「アルコール医学と私-40年の軌跡をふりかえって」
- アルコール制限の意義と方法 (生涯教育シリーズ(72)メタボリックシンドロームup to date) -- (治療)
- わが国におけるC型肝炎とアルコール性肝障害の関係について
- 肝疾患と酸化ストレス
- 口腔洗浄器を用いた送水による出血点同定の工夫
- 胃潰瘍部粘膜の好中球由来活性酸素産生量に与えるヘリコバクターピロリ除菌の影響-内視鏡的潰瘍ステージと活性酸素産生量との相関
- Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy Attenuated Expression of Adhesion Molecule in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Lymphocyte Function-associated Antigen-1 Protein and Messenger RNA in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Elevated expression of caveolin-1 at protein and mRNA level in human cirrhotic liver : relation with nitric oxide
- Induction therapy with twice-daily interferon-beta does not improve the therapeutic efficacy of consensus interferon monotherapy for chronic hepatitis C
- 今月の問題点 対談 生活習慣を踏まえた肝疾患の動向 (特集 肝疾患を生活習慣から考える)
- Role of oxidative stress in interaction between endothelial cells and platelets in diabetes
- Effect of ethanol on mouse hepatitis virus-induced cytotoxicity
- C型慢性肝炎の診断と治療
- Inhibition of growth of human hepatoma cells by dual-function antisense IL-6 oligonucleotides
- Assessment of histological features and outocome of interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C
- Kupffer cell-mediated cytotoxicity against hepatoma cells occurs through production of nitric oxide and adhesion via ICAM-1/CD18
- Spatial heterogeneity of mucosal blood flow during ischemia-reperfusion injury of rat stomach investigated by laser Doppler perfusion imaging
- Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity against cell lines generated by liver-specific idiotype-bearing antibody
- わが国における大酒家慢性肝炎の現状
- わが国のアルコール性肝障害の現状についての検討
- わが国のアルコール性肝障害の現状について
- IL-1受容体I型ノックアウトマウスにおけるグレリン動態
- NO合成酵素阻害剤投与によるグレリン動態の検討
- システアミン惹起十二指腸潰瘍におけるグレリン動態の検討
- 抗 H. pylori ウレアーゼ免疫グロブリン含有鶏卵による H. pylori 対策
- Development of quantitative neuropsychological tests for diagnosis of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy in liver cirrhosis patients and establishment of diagnostic criteria-multicenter collaborative study in Japanese
- 全身疾患としての蛋白漏出性胃腸症
- Hepatocellular carcinoma in heavy drinkers with negative markers for viral hepatitis
- Involvement of GBV-C/HGV in liver diseases in Japan
- Ethanol upregulates pro-fibrogenic connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) gene expression in HepG2 cells via cytochrome P450 2E1-mediated ethanol oxidation
- Elevated plasma RANTES in primary biliary cirrhosis patients
- Recent understanding of immunological aspects in alcoholic hepatitis
- Association of production of interleukin-1β in chronic hepatitis C virus infection with presence of hepatitis C virus RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
- Efficacy of non-invasive elastometry on staging of hepatic fibrosis
- Bcl-2 prevents doxorubicin-induced apoptosis of human liver cancer cells
- Anti-fibrogenic effect of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor on chronic carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats
- Th1 and Th2 cytokines differentially regulate the transformation of Kupffer cells into multinucleated giant cells but similarly enhance the Kupffer cell-induced hepatic stellate cell proliferation
- Induction of hepatic stellate cell proliferation by LPS-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with liver cirrhosis
- High serum level of P-selectin in patients responded to interferon-α treatment for chronic hepatitis C
- Different response of rat Kupffer cells to lipopolysaccharide after exposure to T-helper cytokines
- Regulation of Mouse Retinol Dehydrogenases and Retinal Dehydrogenases in Hepatocyte Differentiation
- Laparoscopically assisted ileocecal resection for Crohn's disease associated with intestinal stenosis and ileovesical fistula
- Hemophagocytic syndrome associated with fulminant hepatitis A : a case report
- Esophageal melanosis, an endoscopic finding associated with squamous cell neoplasms of the upper aerodigestive tract, and inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 in alcoholic Japanese men
- Acid-sensing pathways in rat gastrointestinal mucosa
- A novel immunocytochemical staining method that preserves cell membranes: application for demonstrating Ca^ pump ATPase in the liver
- Endothelin-1 (ET-1) Enhances Bile Canalicular Contractions in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes : A Time Lapse Cinematographic and Electron Microscopic Study
- N^G-L Monomethyl Arginine (L-NMMA) Enhances Bile Canalicular Contractions in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes : A Time Lapse Cinematographic and Electron Microscopic Study
- Melanosis and squamous cell neoplasms of the upper aerodigestive tract in Japanese alcoholic men
- Sinusoidal endothelial fenestrae organization regulated by myosin light chain kinase and Rho-kinase in cultured rat sinusoidal endothelial cells
- Autoimmune pancreatitis with pseudocysts
- Psychological aspects of inflammatory bowel disease
- Association of pseudomembranous colitis with Henoch-Schonlein purpura
- Circulating autoantibodies against purified colonic mucin in ulcerative colitis
- Immunosuppressive agents in the treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- CD4^+ Intestinal mucosal lymphocytes in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease
- An ultrastructural study of the liver in erythropoietic protoporphyria
- Lansoprazole promotes gastric mucosal mucosal cell proliferation and migration by activating p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase
- Cardiotonic Pill^【○!R】improves ischemia-reperfusion-induced microcirculatory disturbances in rat mesentery
- Duodenal blood flow in acute portal hypertension
- Role of perforin and granzyme B of cytotoxic T lymphocyte in the onset of peptic ulcer formation
- Microvascular pathophysiology in gastric mucosal inflammation associated with H. pylori infection
- Changes of hepatic microcirculation in acute cholestasis
- Bile nucleotides exaggerate ischemia-reperfusion-induced epithelial injury via P2Y, not P2X purinoceptor in rat jejunum
- Reevaluation of microcirculatory endothelial cell as a endocrine system of leptin : its significance during ulcer healing and Hp infection
- Signal detection of endothelin receptor subtypes in human cirrhotic liver by a new in situ hybridization method
- Hepatic stellate cells express Ca^ pump-ATPase and Ca^-Mg^-ATPase in plasma membrane of caveolae
- Expression of plasma membrane Ca^-ATPase on hepatic sinusoidal endothelial fenestrae: modification of the one-step method
- Improvement of overexpression of endothelin B receptor in human cirrhotic liver by interferon therapy
- Distribution and localization of caveolin-1 in sinusoidal cells in rat liver
- Bile canalicular contraction and dilatation in primary culture of rat hepatocytes-possible involvement of two different types of plasma membrane Ca^ -Mg^ -ATPase and Ca^ -pump-ATPase
- 脂肪肝 (特集 日常病にどう対応しますか?--頻度順に考える症状/疾病の対処法) -- (その他で比較的多い健康問題の対応)
- アルコールと糖代謝異常 (特集 プライマリ・ケアのためのアルコールに関する知識) -- (アルコール関連内科系疾患(生体内の代謝に及ぼす影響))
- アルコールと人の関わりあい アルコールと人類との邂逅 (特集 プライマリ・ケアのためのアルコールに関する知識)
- Rapid endoscopic improvement is important for 1-year avoidance of colectomy but not for the long-term prognosis in cyclosporine A treatment for ulcerative colitis
- Novel endoscopic activity index is useful for choosing treatment in severe active ulcerative colitis patients
- Lifestyle guidance for patients with chronic liver diseases ; information provision via educational classes on liver diseases
- Common pathogenic mechanisms in ASH and NASH
- Simultaneous quantification of retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid isomers by high-performance liquid chromatography with a simple gradiation
- Mechanisms of ethanol-induced impairment in asialoglycoprotein receptor expression and function
- Foreword