Molecular evolution of alleles of the glycophorin A gene
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-03-01
塩野 寛
Department of Legal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
SHIONO Hiroshi
Department of Legal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
Department of Legal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
OHTAKI Ko-ichi
Ogawa Keita
Department Of Legal Medicine Asahikawa Medical College
Ogawa Kento
Department Of Legal Medicine Asahikawa Medical College
Shiono Hiroshi
Department Of Legal Medicine Asahikawa Medical College
Mizukami Hajime
Department Of Legal Medicine Asahikawa Medical College
Mizukami Hajime
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoyacity University
AKANE Atsushi
Department of Legal Medicine, Kansai Medical University
Akane Atsushi
Department Of Legal Medicine Kansai Medical University
Ohtaki Ko-ichi
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy And Pharmacology Asahikawa Medical College
Mizukami Hajime
Department Of Forensic Medicine Tokyo Medical University
塩野 寛
Mizukami H
Dep. Of Pharmacognosy Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City Univ.
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