Effect of Volcanic Fumes from Mt. Oyama, Miyakejima Island, on Atmospheric Deposition, Soil Solution, and Soil Properties in Kumagaya, Central Japan : II. Soil Properties
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-08-01
林 健太郎
Okazaki Masanori
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And System Engineerings Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Tech
Hayashi Kentaro
Research Center for Life Cycle Assessment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- 観測の平均化時間がアンモニア性窒素フラックスの算定値に及ぼす影響
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- Effect of Volcanic Fumes from Mt. Oyama, Miyakejima Island, on Atmospheric Deposition, Soil Solution, and Soil Properties in Kumagaya, Central Japan : II. Soil Properties (Environment)
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- 大気を介したアンモニア,アンモニウムイオンの循環 (特集 アンモニアによる環境汚染を考える--大気と土壌における動態研究)
- Effect of Volcanic Fumes from Mt. Oyama, Miyakejima Island, on Atmospheric Deposition, Soil Solution, and Soil Properties in Kumagaya, Central Japan : II. Soil Properties
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