Evidence Suggesting That Difructose Anhydride III Is an Indigestible and Low Fermentable Sugar during the Early Stages after Ingestion in Humans
FANCL Business Development Headquarters, Preventive Healthcare Division
Sone Teruo
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Sone Teruo
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Research Group Of Molecular Bioscience Division Of Applied Biosci
Tomita Fusao
Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Hara Hiroshi
Division of Applied Bioscience, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
冨田 房男
Sone Teruo
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Bioscience And Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hok
Tamura Akiko
Res. Inst. Fancl Co.
Tamura Akiko
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido Jpn
Tomita Fusao
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology
Tomita Fusao
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Tomita Fusao
Laboratory Of Applied Microbiology Department Of Bioscience And Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hok
Shiomi Takuya
Fancl Res. Inst. Fancl Corp.
Central Research Laboratory, FANCL Co., Ltd.
Central Research Laboratory, FANCL Co., Ltd.
Central Research Laboratory, FANCL Co., Ltd.
Hara H
Lab. Of Nutritional Biochemistry Div. Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido
Tomita Fusao
Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Shigematsu Norihiro
Res. Inst. Fancl Co.
Shigematsu Norihiro
Central Research Laboratory Fancl Corporation
Shigematsu N
Fancl Co. Yokohama Jpn
Hara Hiroshi
Toxicology Laboratory Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Hara Hiroshi
Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Central laboratory, FANCL Corporation
- Enzymatic synthesis of Mycoplasma fermentans specific glycoglycerophospholipid from 1,2-dipalmitoylglycerol(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- One-pot conversion of levan prepared from Serratia levanicum NN to difructose anhydride IV by Arthrobacter nicotinovorans levan fructotransferase(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Molecular cloning and characterization of the AVR-Pia locus from a Japanese field isolate of Magnaporthe oryzae.
- Rhizopus delemar is the proper name for Rhizopus oryzae fumaric-malic acid producers
- Difructose Anhydride III Enhances Bioavailability of Water-Insoluble Iron in Anemic Vietnamese Women
- A Molecular Phylogeny-Based Taxonomy of the Genus Rhizopus
- A real-time PCR method targeting a gene sequence encoding 16S rRNA processing protein, rimM, for detection and enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus in dairy products
- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Identification and Characterization of Rhizot, a Novel LTR Retrotransposon of Rhizopus oryzae and R. delemar
- Biotransformation of Daidzein to Equol by Crude Enzyme from Asaccharobacter celatus AHU1763 Required an Anaerobic Environment
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- Production of equol from daidzein by gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium isolated from rat intestine.
- Biodesulfurization of Alkylated Forms of Dibenzothiophene and Benzothiophene by Sphingomonas subarctica T7b(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Effects of long-term ingestion of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) on intestinal bacteria and bile acid metabolism in humans
- Effects of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) administration on bile acids and growth of DFA III-assimilating bacterium Ruminococcus productus on rat intestine.
- Effects of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) administration on rat intestinal microbiota.
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
- rDNA ITS Sequence of Rhizopus oryzae : Its Application to Classification and Identification of Lactic Acid Producers(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Lactobacillus thermotolerans sp. nov., a novel thermotolerant species isolated from chicken faeces
- (96) イネいもち病菌の非病原性遺伝子AVR-Piaのクローニング(平成20年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- (60) イネいもち病菌の非病原性遺伝子Avr-Piaのクローニング(平成18年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- Casein Digestion by Debaryomyces hansenii Isolated from Cheese(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Sequence analysis of porcine polymeric immunoglobulin receptor from mammary epithelial cells present in colostrum
- Production of Lepidimoide by an Endophytic Fungus from Polysaccharide Extracted from Abelmoschus sp. : Identification of the Product and the Organism Producing It
- Endophytes as Producers of Xylanase
- 2Ep16 高発現変異型DegQ遺伝子の導入による組換えBacillus subtilisを用いたDFA IV直接生産法の改善(発酵生理学,発酵工学,一般講演)
- 2D17-4 Levan fructotransferaseのBacillus subtilis 168 における発現と単一培養系によるスクロースからのDFA IV生産(発酵生理学・発酵工学,一般講演)
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- (16)イネいもち病菌のDNA型トランスポゾンOccanの解析(平成15年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
- バイオサイエンス・バイオテクノロジーを担うもの
- 406 乳酸生成型Rhizopus oryzaeの選択的PCRによる迅速選抜法(分類・系統・遺伝学,一般講演)
- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
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- EGFP-Rhm51 foci enable the visualization and enumeration of DNA double-strand breaks in Magnaporthe oryzae
- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
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- Effect of an additionally introduced degQ gene on di-D-fructofuranosyl 2,6':2',6 anhydride (DFA IV) production by recombinant Bacillus subtilis in a single culture production system(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- The molecular phylogeny of the genus Rhizopus based on rDNA sequences
- The effects of di-D-fructofuranose-1,2':2,3'-dianhydride (DFA III) administration on human intestinal microbiota.
- カルシウム濃度および pH が Difructose anhydride III のラット腸粘膜カルシウム吸収充進作用に与える影響
- (75)変異株を利用したいもち病菌非病原性遺伝子のクローニング(平成14年度 日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
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- 2J14-3 Sphingomonas subarctica T7b 株による種々の Alkyl BT, Alkyl DBT 類縁体の脱硫活性
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- Ingestion of Difructose Anhydride III Enhances Absorption and Retention of Calcium in Healthy Men
- Comparative Effect of Repeated Ingestion of Difructose Anhydride III and Palatinose on the Induction of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Humans
- Effect of Difructose Anhydride III on Calcium Absorption in Humans
- Evidence Suggesting That Difructose Anhydride III Is an Indigestible and Low Fermentable Sugar during the Early Stages after Ingestion in Humans
- Supplementation of difructose anhydride III enhanced elevation of plasma equol concentrations and lowered plasma total cholesterol in isoflavone-fed rats.
- Difructose Anhydride III Does Not Contribute to Body Energy Accumulation in Rats
- Two-week feeding of difructose anhydride III enhances calcium absorptive activity with epithelial cell proliferation in isolated rat cecal mucosa
- Absorptive activity of calcium in the isolated cecal epithelium adaptively increased by 2 week's feeding of difructose anhydride III in rats.
- Comparison of Amylomyces rouxii and Rhizopus oryzae in Lactic Acid Fermentation of Potato Pulp
- Effects of ingestion of difructose anhydride III (DFA III) and the DFA III-assimilating bacterium Ruminococcus productus on rat intestine.
- Reducing effect of ingesting tannic acid on the absorption of iron, but not of zinc, copper and manganese by rats.
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- Pediococcus pentosaceus NB-17 for Probiotic Use(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
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- Molecular Structure of rDNA Repeat Unit in Magnaporthe grisea
- Identification and Characterization of a Karyotypic Mutation in Magnaporthe grisea
- Host Species-specific Repetitive DNA Sequence in the Genome of Magnaporthe grisea, the Rice Blast Fungus
- Pork peptone stimulates cholecystokinin secretion from enteroendocrine cells and suppresses appetite in rats.
- Improving Effect of Feeding with a Phosphorylated Guar Gum Hydrolysate on Calcium Absorption Impaired by Ovariectomy in Rats
- Dietary branched-chain amino acids suppress the expression of pancreatic amylase mRNA in rats.
- (-)-Hydroxycitrate Ingestion Increases Fat Oxidation during Moderate Intensity Exercise in Untrained Men(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Characterization of Binding Between the Rat Small Intestinal Brush-border Membrane and Dietary Proteins in the Sensory Mechanism of Luminal Dietary Proteins.
- Difructose anhydrides III and IV equally promote calcium absorption from the luminally perfused rat small intestine.
- Dietary Melibiose Regulates Th Cell Response and Enhances the Induction of Oral Tolerance
- Ingestion of Difructose Anhydride III Enhances Absorption and Retention of Calcium in Health Men
- Molecular Characterization of the Relationships among Amylomyces rouxii, Rhizopus oryzae, and Rhizopus delemar
- Biotransformation of Daidzein to Equol by Crude Enzyme from Asaccharobacter celatus AHU1763 Required an Anaerobic Environment
- Potential of Selected Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Induce a Th1 Immune Profile
- Actinomycete Nonomuraea sp. isolated from Indonesian soil is a new producer of inulin fructotransferase(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- A Molecular Phylogeny-Based Taxonomy of the Genus Rhizopus
- Identification and Characterization of Rhizot, a Novel LTR Retrotransposon of Rhizopus oryzae and R. delemar
- Ingestion of raffinose promotes calcium absorption in the large intestine of rats.
- Inhibitory effects of psyllium on rat mineral absorption were abolished by reduction of viscosity with partial hydrolysis.
- Soybean phosphatidylcholine-induced enhancement of lymphatic absorption of triglyceride depends on chylomicron formation in rats.
- Strain and age-related changes in the localization of intestinal CD161+ natural killer cells and CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes along the longitudinal crypt axis in inbred rats.
- EGFP-Rhm51 foci enable the visualization and enumeration of DNA double-strand breaks in Magnaporthe oryzae
- Purification and characterization of phytase from Klebsiella pneumoniae 9-3B(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Difructose Anhydride III Enhances Bioavailability of Water-Insoluble Iron in Anemic Vietnamese Women