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In recent years, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) has been widely used in bimolecular interaction measurements. Small refractive index change on a gold thin film electrode can be detected by SPR. SPR optics can be realized with relatively simple, yet having high sensitivity. When the gold surface was covered with molecular recognition biological materials, the refractive index of the film will increase upon recognition. This refractive index increase can be detected by SPR. It is also possible to obtain a refractive index mapped image using SPR. We have noticed that SPR can be useful for monitoring of electrochemical reaction which occurred on the gold electrode. Combining these two techniques we developed SPR based enzyme sensor. Our sensor can detect small molecular weight molecules which were not effective by conventional SPR sensors. We also developed a 2D-SPR instrument and the operation of chemical state of a single enzyme spot was imaged.
- 日本膜学会の論文
- 2004-01-01
岩崎 弦
丹羽 修
丹羽 修
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
岩崎 弦
CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency
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