- 論文の詳細を見る
Now that we already know that Chimpanzee can make, use and improve tools, even though yet simple and not many, and inherits techniques as culture by learning, what we should do now is to discern, with more elaborated distinctive criteira than ever before, what aspects should be continuous and discontinuous between chimpanzee and Homo sapiens.For innovation and learning in the tools use, imitation, self-recognition and inference under presupposition of if-condition are important competences. We know that chimpanzee has all of them. In spite of such chimpanzees competences, the variety of instrument chimpanzee has invented is very limited comparing to Homo sapiens.Language is a unique tool which make easily possible 1) to represent images of mental experience according to the liguistic codes as social fact, 2) to self-refer modalities of speaker (belief, probability, conditionality etc.) to the talked, 3) to recall propositional believes apparently not relevant to the situation here-and-now and mutually refer between them, 4) to check whether correspond or not with each other the mental images individually supposed by interlocutors. Language, as interface between brain and outer world and between individuals, is very effective tool for communication and inference. Chimpanzee has competence to laugh in playful situation as self-reference of unexpected experience. But it is mostly sure that he does not laugh as a third person. The fact that only Homo sapiens who speaks can laugh as a third person suggests that we, being equipped with language, began to live in a new intersubjective world where learnings and innovations are carried out.
- 日本霊長類学会の論文
- 1995-12-01
- コメント-2- (ニホンザルにおける個体間の特異な近接)
- 田辺繁治著, 『ケアのコミュニティ-北タイのエイズ自助グループが切り開くもの』, 東京, 岩波書店, 2008年, 215頁, 2,500円(+税)
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- 松原正毅著, 『遊牧の世界 : トルコ系遊牧民ユルックの民族誌から』, 上・下, 中公新書, 中央公論社, 1983, 420 円
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- 伊谷純一郎著『アフリカ紀行―ミオンボ林の彼方』講談社学術文庫, 275ページ, 1984年, 680円
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- について
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