Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy of Upper Urinary Tract Stone in Patients 70 Years Old or More
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-09-01
Iwata Kenji
Department of Surgery
Iizuka Keiji
Department Of Urology Iiyama Red Cross Hospital
Iizuka Keiji
Department Of Urology Shinonoi General Hospital
Kontani Kazuhiko
Department Of Urology National Matsumoto Hospital
Kontani Kazuhiko
Department Of Urology Shinonoi General Hospital
Iwata Kenji
Department Of Urology Shinonoi General Hospital
Department of Urology, Shinonoi General Hospital
Wajiki Masahisa
Department Of Urology Shinonoi General Hospital
Iwata Kenji
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Tokyo
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