A Study of the Effect of Color Photostimulation from a Cathode-rat Tube (CRT) Display on Photosensitive Patients : The Effect of Alternating Red-Cyan Flicker Stimulation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-07-01
OGUNI Hirokazu
Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's University
Osawa Makiko
Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Oguni Hirokazu
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine Tokyo Women's Medical University
Ogata Hiroko
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Women's University
Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University
FUJITA Michinari
Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Oosawa Makiko
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Women's Medical University
Oguni Hirokazu
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Women's Medical Cillege
Funatsuka Makoto
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Woman's Medical University
Funatsuka Makoto
Tokyo Women's Medical University School Of Medicine Department Of Pediatrics
Osawa Makiko
Department Of Pediatrics Tpkyo Woman's Medical College
Osawa Makiko
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Woman's Medical University
Fujita Michinari
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Women's Medical University
Osawa Makiko
Department Of Pediatrics Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo Women's Medical University
Shirakawa Seigo
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Women's Medical University
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