CO Survey of Nearby Spiral Galaxies with the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope : I. The Data
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2001-10-25
NAKAI Naomasa
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
Japan Spaceguard Center
Nakai N
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
- Large-Scale NH_3 Observations toward the Galactic Star-Forming Regions I : W 51 Molecular Cloud Complex
- VLBI Detections of Parsec-Scale Nonthermal Jets in Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars
- Radial Distributions of the HCN/CO Ratio in Nearby CO Bright Garaxies
- CO Survey of Nearby Spiral Galaxies with the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope : II. Distribution and Dynamics of Molecular Gas
- Distribution and Kinematics of Molecular Gas in Barred Spiral Galaxies. II. NGC 253
- CO(J=2-1)Observations of the Quasar BR 1202-0725 at z=4.7
- Two-Arm Spiral Structure of Molecular Gas in the Flocculent Galaxy NGC 5055
- Nobeyama Millimeter Array Observations of GRB 030329 : a Decay of Afterglow with Bumps and Molecular Gas in the Host Galaxy
- Measurements of the 492 GHz Atmospheric Opacity at Pampa la Bola and Rio Frio in Northern Chile
- Nobeyama CO Atlas of Nearby Spiral Galaxies : Distribution of Molecular Gas in Barred and Nonbarred Spiral Galaxies
- Water-Vapor Maser Survey for Active Galactic Nuclei : A Megamaser in NGC 6926
- ^CO(J=1-0)and ^CO(J=1-0) Mapping of the Starburst Galaxy M82
- Detection of a Water-Vapor Megamaser in the Active Galaxy NGC 5793
- Water-Vapor Maser Emission from the Seyfert 2 Galaxy IC 2560: Evidence for a Super-Massive Black Hole
- Dense Molecular Gas in Lenticular Galaxies
- Distribution and Kinematics of Molecular Gas in Barred Spiral Galaxies. I. NGC 3504
- Radio Observations of the Afterglow of GRB 030329
- Detection of Excess Hard X-Ray Emission from the Optical Jet Galaxy NGC 1097
- Detection of the Velocity Drift of High-Velocity Water Maser Features of a LINER NGC 4258 : Evidence of a Spiral Maser Disk
- Water-Vapor Maser Disk at the Nucleus of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 3079
- Detection of Water Maser Flare in the Seyfert/LINER, NGC 6240
- Distribution and Dynamics of Molecular Gas in the Galaxy M51. II. Formation of Giant Molecular Associations and Massive Stars
- CO Observations of the Interacting Edge-on Galaxy NGC 4631--Fission or Double Ring?
- STAR FORMING REGIONS AND MOLECULAR CLOUDS IN SPIRAL GALAXIES(Proceedings of Japan-France Seminar on Chemical Evolution of Galaxies with Active Star Formation)
- CO Observations of the Edge-on Galaxy NGC891
- Extremely High-Velocity Gas in the Galaxy Arp 220, Revealed with Ammonia Absorption Lines
- High Angular Resolution Observations of the (J, K) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) Transitions of Ammonia in NGC 253
- Observations of Cyclopropenylidene (Cyclic-C_3H_2) in the External Galaxies NGC 253 and M 82
- Observations of Ammonia in External Galaxies I. NGC 253 and M 82
- Observations of Ammonia in External Galaxies II. Maffei 2
- CO Survey of Nearby Spiral Galaxies with the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope : I. The Data
- Detection of a Sub-Keplerian Water Maser Disk at the Active Galactic Nucleus of the Galaxy IC 1481
- Properties of Molecular Gas in the Bar of Maffei 2
- Water-Vapor Maser Disk at the Nucleus of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy IC 2560 and its Distance