Traditional and Scientific Utilization of Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases by Microorganisms and Parasites in the Mayan Civilization Region
赤羽 啓栄
Sakagami H
Dep. Of Dental Pharmacology Meikai Univ. School Of Dentistry
Sakagami Hiroshi
松山大学 薬学部感染症学
Sakagami Hiroshi
赤羽 啓栄
School Of Medicine Fukuoka University
赤羽 啓栄
九州大学 寄生虫
赤羽 啓栄
赤羽 啓栄
福岡大学 病理学
Matta V
Univ. San Carlos Guatemala City Gtm
Matta Vivian
北里大学 医研究 環境医
Matta Vivian
Akahane H
School Of Medicine Fukuoka University
赤羽 啓栄
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
Akahane Hiroshige
Tada Isao
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Ogata Kazuki
KUWADA Masahiro
赤羽 啓栄
福岡大学 医学部 寄生虫学 教室
Cruz-reyes Arejandro
Tada I
Tada Isao
Department Of Parasitology Faculty Of Medical Sciences Kyusyu University
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- Traditional and Scientific Utilization of Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases by Microorganisms and Parasites in the Mayan Civilization Region
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- A Preparatory Investigation into the Student Practice Needed for Graduation on the Obstinate Parasitic Infection of Hygienic Importance to International Health
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