TT virus infection in cases of fulminant hepatic failure-evaluation by clonality based on amino acid sequence of hypervariable regions
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-09-01
持田 智
埼玉医科大学 第三内科
持田 智
埼玉医科大学 消化器内科・肝臓内科
MATSUI Atsushi
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical School
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical School
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical School
YUSUFU Youlutuz
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical School
Immunology Division and Division of Molecular Virology, Jichi Medical School
Fujiwara Kenji
Division Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Sait
Fujiwara Kenji
Mochida Satoshi
埼玉医科大学 第3内科
Mochida Satoshi
埼玉医科大学 医学部消化器内科・肝臓内科
Mochida Satoshi
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical School
Matsui A
Division Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Sait
Fujimori Kenji
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical School
Okamoto Hiroaki
Immunology Division And Division Of Molecular Virology Jichi Medical School
Matsui Atsushi
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical School
Fujiwara Kenji
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical School
Yusufu Youlutuz
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Saitama Medical School
- 免疫抑制・化学療法により発症するB型肝炎対策 : 厚生労働省「難治性の肝・胆道疾患に関する調査研究」班劇症肝炎分科会および「肝硬変を含めたウイルス性肝疾患の治療の標準化に関する研究」班合同報告
- Letter to the Editor(1)
- 劇症肝炎における新たな肝移植ガイドライン作成の試み
- PP310 ラット肝冷保存-同所性肝移植モデルにおける肝細胞及び類洞内皮細胞の障害と回復の過程について
- C型慢性肝炎に対する二重膜濾過血漿交換療法
- B型慢性肝炎の抗ウイルス療法 : 2. 劇症化 : そのメカニズムと治療の実際
- 劇症肝炎の原因と治療
- 肝胆膵疾患の漢方薬RCT (特集 漢方のRCT(その1))
- 劇症肝炎の現状と治療 (特集 肝炎診療を見直す)
- HBVキャリアからの重症化, 劇症化に対する治療
- 肝炎劇症化の機序
- 我が国における劇症肝炎, LOHFの実態
- 急性肝不全に対する生体肝移植の適応決定時期 - 劇症肝炎全国調査からの分析 -
- 急性肝不全診療ガイドライン (特大号 いま必要な診療ガイドライン--その使い方を中心に) -- (消化器)
- 基礎 肝線維化の分子医学 (特集 肝・胆・膵の分子医学--基礎と臨床)
- インターフェロン治療抵抗性C型慢性肝炎の病態と対策
- 4.肝移植後のprimary graft nonfunctionの成立機序と対策
- 劇症肝炎とラット肝不全モデルの相異似性
- プロトンポンプ阻害薬長期投与中に増大した胃底腺ポリープの検討
- Re-evaluation of the Guideline published by the Acute Liver Failure Study Group of Japan in 1996 to determine the indications of liver transplantation in patients with fulminant hepatitis : Analysis of 698 patients seen between 1998 and 2003 enrolled in t
- Fulminant hepatitis and late onset hepatic failure in Japan : Summary of 698 patients between 1998 and 2003 analyzed by the Annual Nationwide Survey
- マロリー・ワイス症候群 (新版 処方計画法) -- (消化器疾患)
- SNPs in the promoter region of the osteopontin gene as a marker predicting the efficacy of interferon-based therapies in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- Massive liver necrosis after provocation of imbalance between Th1 and Th2 immune reactions in osteopontin transgenic mice
- Plasma osteopontin levels in patients with fulminant hepatitis
- Angiopoietin/tie receptors system may play a role during reconstruction and capillarization of the hepatic sinusoids after partial hepatectomy and liver necrosis in rats
- ERK/MAPK-dependent PI3K/Akt phosphorylation through VEGFR-1 after VEGF stimulation in activated hepatic stellate cells
- 中国産ダイエット用健康食品による急性肝障害
- 劇症肝炎及びLOHFにおける生体肝移植の適応と問題点
- PKC- and MAPK-independent upregulation of VEGF receptor expressions in human umbilical venous endothelial cells following VEGF stimulation
- TT virus infection in cases of fulminant hepatic failure-evaluation by clonality based on amino acid sequence of hypervariable regions
- Possible mechanisms of elevation of serum transaminase levels during interferon-β therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients
- 1.インターフェロン(IFN)療法により無症候性キャリアとなった C型慢性肝炎症の例の病態と予後
- 1.広汎肝壊死を呈する疾患の病態:壊死と再生に関わる 肝構成細胞の相互作用
- 障害肝における類洞内皮細胞の増殖と肝再生不全
- プロスグクランジンによる急性肝不全の治療-臨床応用を目指した作用機序の検討-
- Circulating KL-6 level at baseline is a predictive indicator for the occurrence of interstitial pneumonia during interferon treatment for chronic hepatitis C
- TT virus of certain genotypes may reduce the platelet count in patients who achieve a sustained virologic response to interferon treatment for chronic hepatitis C
- Influence of TT virus infection on the thrombocytopenia of patients with chronic liver disease
- Influence of TT virus on the histopathological features of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Influence of TT virus on the clinical course of alcoholic liver disease
- 劇症肝炎における肝再生機構と予後予測 (特別企画 再生医学) -- (肝)
- 劇症肝炎 : わが国における問題点
- 肝炎ウイルスの臨床 急性肝炎,劇症肝炎の話題
- Increased expression of osteopontin in activated Kupffer cells and hepatic macrophages during macrophage migration in Propionibacterium acnes-treated rat liver
- 血管新生の分子機構 (特集 微小循環障害と消化器疾患)
- REVIEW 広汎肝壊死の機序--肝微小循環障害の面より (特集 劇症肝炎の分子機構と治療)
- 急性肝炎とその重症化予知 (特集 プライマリケアのための消化器疾患の診かた(2)肝・胆・膵疾患)
- Decreased expression of smooth muscle α actin in activated rat hepatic stellate cells at the S-phase of the cell cycle in vitro
- III.劇症肝炎2.病態解明
- 移植後肝障害の成立機序と対策
- 肝炎劇症化のメカニズム (特集 ウイルス肝炎の分子メカニズム)
- 肝疾患と血管 (特集 血管新生の分子機構と病態)
- 3.肝類洞内凝固を病態とする急性肝不全の治療
- 常習飲酒家C型慢性肝炎の病態
- 肝臓アレルギ- (特集:臓器アレルギ-の見直し)
- 急性肝不全患者に対する特殊組成アミノ酸の投与
- Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF α)-producing gastric carcinoma with acanthosis nigricans: An endocrine effect of TGF αin the pathogenesis of cutaneous paraneoplastic syndrome and epithelial hyperplasia of the esophagus.
- TT virus : virological and genomic characteristics and disease associations
- Helicobacter pylori and TT virus prevalence in Japanese children
- Branched-chain amino acids, hepatocyte growth factor and protein production in the liver
- Clinical evaluation of chronic liver diseases induced by different hepatitis C virus genotype in Japan, focused on the difference between genotypes III/2a and IV/2b
- The usefulness of ^Tc-HMPAO-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy in the diagnosis of skeletal metastases of cancers
- C型肝炎治療薬としてのインターフェロン
- 消化器系における微小循環障害 (好中球と臓器障害)
- Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel DNA virus (TTV) associated with posttransfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology^1
- Experimental study on liver regeneration after simultaneous partial hepatectomy and pancreatectomy
- Differential effect of cytotoxic T lymphocyte variant epitopes on generation and cytotoxicity in chronic hepatitis C virus infection
- The prevalence of GB virus C, risk factors and its relationship with other hepatitis viruses in a general population in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Cold activation of complement enhancing with the duration of storage in sera from blood donors with hepatitis C virus RNA
- HLA B44-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to the peptides of HCV nucleprotein residues 81-100 in patients with chronic hepatitis C
- IgM-class antibodies to TT virus (TTV) in patients with acute TTV infection
- A unique set of mutations in the 'preX' region of hepatitis B virus DNA frequently foun in patients but not in asymptomatic carriers: implication for a novel variant
- Hepatitis C virus genotypes and co-infection with GB virus C in patients with anti-HCV-positive chronic liver disease in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Randomized control trial of interferon-β injections at 12-h intervals as a therapy for chronic hepatitis C
- (肝臓領域)
- Genotypes of GB virus C and hepatitis C virus in hepatitis patients in India, Iran and Slovenia
- 第24回日本急性肝不全研究会 : 一般演題
- 第1回日本肝臓学会大会記録 : パネルディスカッション 肝不全の病態と予後
- Efficacy of hepatitis B vaccines with and without preS2-region product in Sumo wrestlers in Japan
- Improvement of the sandwich ELISA for the determination of basement membrane collagen complex in sera of patients with chronic liver diseases by utilizing the chaotropic ion, NaSCN
- Molecular and clinical characteristics of the hepatitis C virus genotype '2c' found in Italians in Italy and France
- Infection with GB virus C in the patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan
- 我が国における「急性肝不全」の概念,診断基準の確立:厚生労働省科学研究費補助金(難治性疾患克服研究事業)「難治性の肝・胆道疾患に関する調査研究」班,ワーキンググループ-1,研究報告
- Prevalence of Anti-Hepatitis C antibodies in a Rural Community without High Mortality from Liver Disease in Niigata Prefecture
- Persistence of hepatitis B viremia after recovery from acute hepatitis B : correlation between anti-HBc titer and HBV DNA in serum
- 第23回日本急性肝不全研究会 : シンポジウム
- 第32回 日本肝臓学会総会記録 (4) : パネルディスカッション (6) 肝移植-実施に向けての医学的課題と将来
- Rebound of hepatitis C virus RNA in serum after withdrawal of interferon in patients with advanced liver disease
- 我が国における「急性肝不全」の概念, 診断基準の確立 : 厚生労働省科学研究費補助金(難治性疾患克服研究事業)「難治性の肝・胆道疾患に関する調査研究」班, ワーキンググループ-1, 研究報告
- Novel classification of acute liver failure through clustering using a self-organizing map : usefulness for prediction of the outcome
- Usefulness of miriplatin as an anticancer agent for transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
- タイトル無し
- Algorithm to determine the outcome of patients with acute liver failure : a data-mining analysis using decision trees
- 急性肝不全に対する血液浄化療法の有効性評価 : 急性肝不全に対する人工肝補助療法の現状に関するアンケート調査報告
- 一般演題:1.劇症肝炎におけるGBV-C/HGVの関与
- A case of portal-systemic encephalopathy with rare shunt through superior mesenteric vein and left brachiocephalic vein: successfully treated with B-RTO
- 座談会 C型肝炎の抗ウイルス療法:日本肝臓学会の治療ガイドラインをめぐって