Significant role of laminin-1 in branching morphogenesis of mouse salivary epithelium cultured in basement membrane matrix
門谷 裕一
北里大学 大学院医療系研究科 分子細胞生物学
門谷 裕一
北里大学大学院 医療系研究科 分子細胞生物学
Yamada Yoshihiko
Craniofacial Developmental Biology and Regeneration Branch, National Institute of Dental and Craniof
Yamada Yoshihiko
Nidcr National Institutes Of Health
NOMIZU Motoyoshi
Craniofacial Developmental Biology and Regeneration Branch
門谷 裕一
Department Of Anatomy Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Kadoya Yuichi
Department Of Anatomy Kitasato University School Of Allied Health Sciences
Kikkawa Yamato
School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Sciences
Nogawa Hiroyuki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Hosokawa Yukio
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Yamashina Shohei
Departmant Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Takahashi Yu
Department Of Microbiology And Molecular Pathology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo Univers
Yamada Yoshihiko
Craniofacial Developmental Biology And Regeneration Branch National Institute Of Dental And Craniofa
Takahashi Yu
Department Of Bioscience Faculty Of Biotechnology Fukui Prefectural University
- B36 ラミニンα1鎖とα4鎖Gドメインのループ部位をミミックしたサイクリックペプチドの生物活性(第36回日本結合組織学会学術大会)
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- The Use of Cerium Ions for the Demonstration of Phosphatase Activities.
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- Analysis of Amyloid-like Fibril Forming Peptide A119 (LSNIDYILIKAS) and B160 (VILQQSAADIAR) Derived from Laminin-111 Sequence
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- Effects of Colchicine on the Formation of Secretory Granules in the Salivary Acinar Cells.
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- Significant role of laminin-1 in branching morphogenesis of mouse salivary epithelium cultured in basement membrane matrix
- 上皮器官形成に関わるラミニンのドメイン
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- Conformation Analysis of Loop Region Peptides in the Laminin Alpha Chain LG4 Modules by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
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- Screening of Biologically Active Sequences from the Laminin Gamma 1, 2, and 3 Chain Short Arm Regions
- Screening of Integrin Binding Peptides in the Mouse Laminin Beta Chain Peptide Library
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