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Increased levels of serum cholesterol (CHO) are associated with a risk of coronary artery disease. The beneficial effect of various dietary components on hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis was reviewed based on our animal experiments. Exogenously hypercholesterolemic (ExHC) rats, a strain susceptible to dietary CHO, show increased secretion of β-very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and reduced uptake of lipoproteins by the liver. Exposure of ExHC rats to a high-cholesterol diet in early life exerted a long-lasting effect leading to transient suppression of hypercholesterolemia in later life. Dietary polyunsaturated fats, particularly those containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), were effective in lowering serum lipid levels in comparison with saturated fats, but stearic acid-containing fats were less hypercholesterolemic because they interrupted the intestinal absorption of CHO. The hypocholesterolemic action of dietary phosphatidylethanolamine was attributed to the ethanolamine constituent, which prevented methylation of the phospholipid to phosphatidylcholine in primary cultured hepatocytes, consequently leading to suppression of VLDL-CHO secretion. Soybean protein and DHA were found to be beneficial for reducing atherosclerosis in both ExHC rats and apo E-deficient mice.
- 社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会の論文
- 1997-12-10
- 共役二重結合型リノール酸の新しい機能
- 脂質動態調節系と食品
- 食事脂肪と動脈硬化
- 生物化学実験法34 過酸化脂質・フリーラジカル実験法 五十嵐脩,島崎弘幸編著 学会出版センター
- T.G.Redgrave博士講演会 (藪田基金補助による研究小集会報告)
- マウスにおけるリン脂質の降コレステロール作用とその長期摂取の成長と免疫・生理学的パラメータへの影響
- Report 藪田基金補助による外人講演会報告 : P.Tso博士講演会
- FASEB Summer Research Conference:Intestinal Lipid Absorption, Metabolism and Transportに出席して (国際学会報告)
- 21世紀型教育研究の目指すべき場所は世界水準
- ステロール酸化物の吸収と病態への関与