Phycoerythrin-containing Microcystis isolated from P.R. China and Thailand
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-06-01
SUDA Shoichiro
Global Environmental Forum
LI Renhui
Institute of Biological Science, University of Tsukuba
Oyaizu Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Division Of Agriculture And Life Sciences The University
Watanabe M
Yamanashi Inst. Environmental Sci. Yamanashi Jpn
Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research
Oyaizu Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Tokyo
National Institute for Environmental Studies
LIU Yongding
Institute for Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
OTSUKA Shigeto
The University of Tokyo
LI Renhui
University of Tsukuba
National Science Museum
OYAIZU Hiroshi
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
University of Tsukuba
Liu Yongding
Institute Of Hydrobiology Chinese Academy Of Science
Hiroki M
National Inst. Environmental Studies Ibaraki Jpn
Hiroki Mikiya
National Institute For Environmental Studies'
Oyaizu Hiroshi
Biotechnology Research Center University Of Tokyo
Oyaizu Hiroshi
Department Of Global Agricultural Science Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Univ
Otsuka Shigeto
Dep. Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Univ. Of
Otsuka Shigeto
Grad. Sch. Of Agric. And Life Sci. The Univ. Of Tokyo
Sato Makoto
Department Of Toxicology Drug Safety Research Center Tokushima Research Institute Otsuka Pharmaceuti
Li Renhui
Institute Of Biological Science University Of Tsukuba
Oyaizu H
Biotechnology Research Center University Of Tokyo
Otsuka Shigeto
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Uni
Otsuka Shigeto
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
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- The Response of the Phosphate Uptake System and the Organic Acid Exudation System to Phosphate Starvation in Sesbania rostrata
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- Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Bifidobacterium and Related Genera Based on 16S rDNA Sequences
- Field Measurement of Carbon Dioxide Evolution from Soil by a Flow-Through Chamber Method Using a Portable Photosynthesis Meter
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- Root-Determined Hypernodulation Mutant of Lotus japonicus Shows High-Yielding Characteristics
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- 940 Control of Plant Pathogenic Fungi by Microalgal Extract
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- Effect of Arsenic Pollution on Soil Microbial Population
- Arsenic Fungi Isolated from Arsenic-Polluted Soils
- As-Tolerant Bacillus circulans Isolated from As-Polluted Soils
- Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination on Soil Microbial Population
- Identification and isolation of active N2O reducers in rice paddy soil
- Gross nitrification rates in four Japanese forest soils : heterotrophic versus autotrophic and the regulation factors for the nitrification
- Nitrification and nitrifying microbial communities in forest soils
- Grazing on toxic cyanobacterial blooms by tadpoles of edible frog Rana grylio
- Enhanced Methanogenesis in the Vicinity of Rice Straw Residues in Surface Layers of a Paddy Soil