A simple silver stain for fungi using the silver colloid solution for AgNOR stain
Nakamura Toshikazu
Department Of Tumor Pathology Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Toyoshima Hideaki
Saito Masako
Department Of Tumor Pathology Graduate School Of Medicine Gunma University
Nakajima Takashi
Department Of Tumor Pathology Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Second Department of Pathology Gunma University School of Medicine
OYAMA Tetsunari
Second Department of Pathology Gunma University School of Medicine
Oyama T
Department Of Pathology Dokkyo Medical School Of Medicine
Oyama Tetsunari
Second Department At Pathology Gunma University School Of Medicine
Fukuda Toshio
Second Department Of Pathology Gunma University School Of Medicine
HIKINO Toshiaki
Second Department of Pathology, Gunma University School of Medicine
SAITO Masako
Second Department of Pathology, Gunma University School of Medicine
Fukushima Tatsuro
Second Department Of Pathology Gunma University School Of Medicine
Oyama Tetsunari
Department Of Pathology Dokkyo Medical School Of Medicine
Saito Masako
Second Department Of Pathology Gunma University School Of Medicine
Hikino Toshiaki
Division Of Breast Surgery Saitama Cancer Center
Takei Hiroyuki
Second Department Of Surgery
HARA Futoshi
Second Department of Pathology Gunma University School of Medicine
Nakajima Takashi
Diagnostic Pathology Shizuoka Cancer Center
Nakajima Takashi
Second Department Of Pathology Gunma University Faculty Of Medicine
- Dietary Habits and Stomach Cancer Risk in the JACC Study
- Health Practices and Mortality in Japan : Combined Effects of Smoking, Drinking, Walking and Body Mass Index in the Miyagi Cohort Study
- Walking and Mortality in Japan : The Miyagi Cohort Study
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- Serum Pepsinogen Values and Helicobacter pylori Status among Control Subjects of a Nested Case-Control Study in the JACC study
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- Glucose Intolerance and Colorectal Cancer Risk in a Nested Case-Control Study among Japanese People
- Alcohol Consumption and Colorectal Cancer Risk : Findings from the JACC Study
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- Active Smoking, Passive Smoking, and Breast Cancer Risk : Findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk
- Dietary intakes of fat and fatty acids and risk of breast cancer : A prospective study in Japan
- Cigarette smoking and the risk of ovarian cancer in the Japanese population : Findings from the Japanese Collaborate Cohort study
- Impact of menstrual and reproductive factors on breast cancer risk in Japan : Results of the JACC study
- A prospective study of reproductive and menstrual factors and colon cancer risk in Japanese women : Findings from the JACC study
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- Influence of Life-related Factors and Participation in Health Examination on Mortality in a 4.5-year Follow-up of a Rural Cohort
- Seasonal Variation in the Incidence of Sudden Death According to Occupation of Householder in Japan
- Esophageal Granular Cell Tumor Covered by Intramucosal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- Aberrant methylation status of known methylation-sensitive CpG islands in gastrointestinal stromal tumors without any correlation to the state of c-kit and PDGFRA gene mutations and their malignancy
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- Validation of the Association Between the Gene Encoding Proteasome Subunit α Type 6 and Myocardial Infarction in a Japanese Population
- Risk and Protective Factors Related to Mortality from Pneumonia among Middle-aged and Elderly Community Residents : The JACC Study
- Relationships of Age at Menarche and Menopause, and Reproductive Year with Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease in Japanese Postmenopausal Women : The JACC Study
- White Blood Cell Count and Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality in Nationwide Sample of Japanese : Results From the NIPPON DATA90
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- -0786- Survival Factors from Sudden Death Viewed from the Time of Disappearance of Vital Signs and Electrocardiographic Findings(PROCEEDINGS OF THE 59th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY)
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- Comparative study using rabbit-derived polyclonal, mouse-derived monoclonal, and rabbit-derived monoclonal antibodies for KIT immunostaining in GIST and other tumors
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- Immunohistochemical analysis of 14-3-3 sigma and related proteins in hyperplastic and neoplastic breast lesions, with particular reference to early carcinogenesis
- Immunohistochemical demonstration of 14-3-3 sigma protein in normal human tissues and lung cancers, and the preponderance of its strong expression in epithelial cells of squamous cell lineage
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- Formalin fixation by boiling : Is it suitable for the TUNEL staining?
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- PE-149 Association between Voltage-Duration Product and Left Ventricular Mass Index in Japanese(ECG/Body surface potential mapping/Holter-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Eating Fast Leads to Obesity : Findings Based on Self-administered Questionnaires among Middle-aged Japanese Men and Women
- A Positive Association between Leptin and Blood Pressure of Normal Range in Japanese Men
- Magnetic Structure in the Antiferromagnetic State of the Organic Conductor, (DMe-DCNQI[3,3 : 1]d_7)_2Cu : ^1H-NMR Analysis
- Acquisition of Invasive Phenotype in Gallbladder Cancer Cells via Mutual Interaction of Stromal Fibroblasts and Cancer Cells as Mediated by Hepatocyte Growth Factor
- Induction of Invasive Growth in a Gallbladder Cancer Cell Line by Hepatocyte Growth Factor in vitro
- PE-129 Exposure to Nano-Sized Carbon Black Accelerates Atherosclerosis in a Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Knockout Mouse(Atherosclerosis, basic-7, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- A simple silver stain for fungi using the silver colloid solution for AgNOR stain
- Primary Human Fibroblasts Induce Diverse Tumor Invasiveness : Involvement of HGF as an Important Paracrine Factor
- Profile of Participants and Genotype Distributions of 108 Polymorphisms in a Cross-Sectional Study of Associations of Genotypes With Lifestyle and Clinical Factors : A Project in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study