Characterization of thermotolerant, fermentative yeasts from hot spring drainage
Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry, Tokyo University of Fisheries
KIMURA Shigeru
Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry, Tokyo University of Fisheries
Kimura S
(present Address)agriculture Forestry And Fisheries Research Council Secretariat Ministry Of Agricul
Urano Naoto
Laboratory Of Marine Biochemistry Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Ueno Ryohei
Department Of Ocean Sciences Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
Ueno Ryohei
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyushu University
Ueno Ryohei
Laboratory Of Marine Biochemistry Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Kimura Shigeru
Laboratory Of Marine Biochemistry Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Kimura Shigeru
Laboratory Of Food Chemistry Tokyo University Of Fisheries
Urano Naoto
Laboratory Of Marine Biochemistry Graduate School Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University
Ueno Ryohei
Laboratory Of Marine Biochemistry Graduate School Of Marine Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Marine Science And Technology
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