Overexpression of MDM2 in MCF-7 Promotes Both Growth Advantage and p53 Accumulation in Response to Estradiol
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-02-28
佐治 重衡
TOI Masakazu
Department of Surgery Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Toi Masakazu
聖路加国際病院 ブレストセンター
Hayashi S
Department Of Pathology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Horiguchi Shinichiro
鳥取大学 医学部病態解析医学講座医用放射線学
HAYASHI Shin-ichi
Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute
Department of Biochemistry, Gifu University School of Medicine
Saji Shigetoyo
岐阜大学 腫瘍総合外科
Saji Shigetoyo
岐阜大学 第1内科
Hayashi S
Department Of Pathology Osaka City University Medical School
Saji Shigetoyo
2nd Department Of Surgery Gifu University School Of Medicine
SAJI Shigehira
2nd Department of Surgery, Gifu University School of Medicine
NOZAWA Yoshinori
Department of Biochemistry, Gifu University School of Medicine
Toi Masakazu
Epartment Of Surgery Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Toi Masakazu
Department Of Breast Surgery Graduate School Of Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Saji Shigehira
Department Of Surgery And Breast Oncology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Nakashima S
Gifu Univ. School Of Medicine Gifu Jpn
Nakashima S
Gifu Univ. Schoof Of Medicine Gifu
Nakashima Shigeru
Department Of Biochemistry Gifu University School Of Medicine
Nozawa Yoshinori
Department Of Biochemistry Gifu University School Of Medicine
Toi Masakazu
Department Of Surgery Breast Oncology Unit Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Horiguchi Shinichiro
Department Of Pathology Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer And Infectious Disease Center Komagome Hospital
TOI Masakazu
Kyoto University Hospital
Nozawa Y
Gifu International Inst. Biotechnology
TOI Masakazu
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Toi Masakazu
Division Of Clinical Trials And Research Breast Cancer Research And Treatment Program Tokyo Metropol
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