亜リン酸の二酸化硫黄による液相酸化の反応条件の影響 : 酸素-二酸化硫黄混合ガスによる亜リン酸の液相酸化 (第2報)
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In the previous report, it was explained that O2-SO2 mixed gas oxidized the phosphorous acid to phosphoric acid. In this report, effects of reaction conditions, such as agitation speed, partial pressure of oxygen, pH, and temperature, on the aqueous oxidation of H3PO3 by O2-SO2 mixed gas are investigated. The results were summarized as follows.Agitation speed hardly changes over 1,000min-1 on the oxidation rate of H3PO3. The oxidation rate of H3PO3 is proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen. The oxidation rate of H3PO3 increases with the increase of pH. With the rise in solution temperature, the oxidation rate of H3PO3 increases, however, the temperature dependency is low. In all conditions of reaction, the quantity of H3PO3 oxidized did not exceed the quantity of SO2 oxidized. Within the range of these experimental conditions, the oxidation rate of SO2 was not affected.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
- 2002-01-25
野中 聡
林 達哉
山下 智司
山下 智司
山下 智司
千葉工業大学 工学部 機械サイエンス学科
増子 昇
千葉工業大学 金属工学科
近藤 隆文
千葉工業大学大学院 金属工学専攻
増子 昇
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