局部通気の風速測定と CFD による数値解析 : 掘進切羽におおける掘削機械による風速分布への影響 (第1報)
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Although forced auxiliary ventilation is widely employed at heading faces, it is not easy to design an optimum ventilation system for a working face because of the complexity of airflows. Therefore, it is essential to obtain airflow patterns at the face where a heavy machine works.From this point of view the influence of a machine such as a road header upon airflow patterns are investigated by both methods of measuring of airflow velocity in reduced scale model and using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).As a result, some important information is obtained concerning the influence of a machine upon airflow patterns in the face. A vortex is generated in the space between a face and a machine, and the wake was created behind a machine. The authors pointed out a possibility that these flows may lead the stagnation of both dust and gases.The results also show that the CFD is an effective tool for simulating the airflow under varied conditions of the ventilation system.
- 社団法人 資源・素材学会の論文
- 2002-01-25
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