Three-dimensional viscoelastic interseismic deformation model for the Cascadia subduction zone
Wang Kelin
Pacific Geoscience Centre Geological Survey Of Canada
HE Jiangheng
Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada
Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada
JAMES Thomas
Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada
He Jiangheng
Pacific Geoscience Centre Geological Survey Of Canada
James Thomas
Pacific Geoscience Centre Geological Survey Of Canada
Dragert H
Pacific Geoscience Centre Geological Survey Of Canada
- Co-seismic and post-seismic pore-fluid pressure changes in the Philippine Sea plate and Nankai decollement in response to a seismogenic strain event off Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Tomographic image of low P velocity anomalies above slab in northern Cascadia subduction zone
- Three-dimensional viscoelastic interseismic deformation model for the Cascadia subduction zone