Successful Autotransplantation of an Adrenal Gland Using a New Method of Omental Wrapping: Report of a Case
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiology Kagawa University School Of Medicine
Kihara Minoru
Kihara M
Second Department Of Surgery Kagawa Medical University
Kihara Minoru
Kuma Hospital
Kihara Minoru
和歌山県立医科大学 病理学第二
Kihara Minoru
Second Department Of Surgery Kagawa Medical University
Miyauchi A
Kuma Hospital
Yamauchi Akira
Kuma Hospital
Kihara Minoru
Second Department Of Internal Medecine Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
Kuma Hospital
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Nishiyama Yoshihiro
Department Of Radiology Kagawa Medical University
Second Department of Surgery, Kagawa Medical University
Second Department of Surgery, Kagawa Medical University
Murao Koji
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kagawa Medical University
Miyauchi Akira
Lightwave Transmission Engineering Department Fujitsu Limited
Nishitani Akiko
Second Department Of Surgery Kagawa Medical University
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