Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Virginia
Fukuda I
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Fukuda Izumi
東京女子医科大学 内分泌内科学
Fukuda Izumi
The Department Of Medicine Ii Tokyo Women's Medical University
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
ITOH Emina
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
SATA Akira
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
the Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Hizuka Naomi
東京女子医科大学附属内分泌疾患総合医療センター 内科
Hizuka N
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Hizuka Naomi
The Gh And Its Related Factors Study Committee The Foundation For Growth Science
Hizuka N
Tokyo Women's Medical Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Itoh Emina
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Itoh Emina
Division Of Endocrinology And Metabolism University Of Virginia
Sata A
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Hizuka Naomi
The Department Of Medicine Ii Tokyo Women's Medical University
Murakami Yuko
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Fukuda Izumi
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Fukuda Izumi
The Department Of Medicine
Fukuda Izumi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Engineering Saga University
Yasumoto Kumiko
Department Of Medicine Institute Of Clinical Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Takano Kazue
The Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Sata Akira
The Department of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Growth Hormone Increases mRNA Levels of PPARδ and Foxo1 in Skeletal Muscle of Growth Hormone Deficient lit/lit Mice
- 成長ホルモン(GH,hGH) (広範囲 血液・尿化学検査 免疫学的検査(第7版・4)その数値をどう読むか) -- (内分泌学的検査 間脳下垂体関係(subunitを含む))
- 挙児希望女性に発生したホルモン産生下垂体腺腫への対応(妊娠分娩と脳神経外科疾患)
- コントロール不良の先端巨大症に対するGH受容体拮抗薬Pegvisomantの使用経験 (内分泌クリニカル・カンファランス 50) -- (間脳・下垂体)
- 重症成人成長ホルモン分泌不全症における代謝異常に関する検討
- Cushing 症候群術後に高Ca血症をきたした一例
- 妊娠中に中枢性尿崩症を発症した1型糖尿病の1症例
- 結核性縦隔リンパ節炎を伴ったチアマゾールによる無顆粒球症の1例 : 診断と治療について
- 副腎CTの画像再構成が診断に有用であった原発性副腎皮質結節性異形成の1例
- 線形関係式による成長ホルモン測定値の標準化
- ラトケ嚢胞の長期治療成績
- 甲状腺乳頭癌におけるインスリン様成長因子-1受容体(IGF1R)の発現と機能
- GHRH産生副腎外褐色細胞腫による先端巨大症の一例
- GHRP-2負荷でGHが1.8μg/L以上に反応する重症成人GH分泌不全症の臨床像に関する検討
- 1. 成人における成長ホルモンの病態生理学的意義に関する研究(佐竹高子研究奨励賞受賞者研究発表,第337回東京女子医科大学学会例会)
- 甲状腺乳頭癌,乳腺腺管内乳頭腫など多彩な腫瘍性病変を合併した先端巨大症の1例
- 2.甲状腺乳頭癌,乳腺腺管内乳頭腫など多彩な腫瘍性病変を合併した先端巨大症の1例(研修医症例報告,第335回東京女子医科大学学会例会)
- いわゆる"low GH acromegaly"における血中IGF-I測定の有用性 (内分泌クリニカル・カンファランス(47)) -- (間脳・下垂体)
- 胚細胞腫による下垂体機能低下症
- ターナー女性における甲状腺疾患(P-100)
- Metabolic Co-Morbidities Revealed in Patients with Childhood-Onset Adult GH Deficiency after Cessation of GH Replacement Therapy for Short Stature
- The Prevalence of Benign and Malignant Tumors in Patients with Acromegaly at a Single Institute
- Metabolic Disorders in Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency : A Study of 110 Patients at a Single Institute in Japan
- Oral DDAVP is a Good Alternative Therapy for Patients with Central Diabetes Insipidus : Experience of Five-Year Treatment
- Complications and Quality of Life in Turner Women
- Acid-Labile Subunit in Growth Hormone Excess and Deficiency in Adults: Evaluation of Its Diagnostic Value in Comparison with Insulin-Like Growth Factor(IGF)-l and IGF-Binding Protein-3
- Thallium-201 Scintigraphy Was Useful in Diagnosing Ectopic ACTH Syndrome Due to Bronchial Carcinoid
- Clinical Application of Western Immunoblot of Insulin-like Growth Factor II Using Unextracted Serum
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- Clinical Features and Therapeutic Outcomes of 65 Patients with Acromegaly at Tokyo Women's Medical University
- 先端巨大症におけるインスリン抵抗性と血中アディポネクチン値
- 低血糖を呈するIGF-II産生膵外腫瘍78例の臨床像の検討
- Breaking bad news 教育の有用性とOSCEにおける評価の試み
- 腎転移で遷延性低血糖をきたした頭蓋内再発を繰り返すIGF-II産生性血管周皮腫の1例
- 日本人成人における血中インスリン様成長因子-I濃度の基準範囲について
- TSH産生腺腫におけるソマトスタチン受容体サブタイプ発現の解析
- TSH産生下垂体腺腫7症例における臨床的検討
- 過去5年間に当科で診療した先端巨大症82例における治療成績と合併症
- 低身長者における血中ソマトメディンA値 : 特に成長ホルモン欠損症の診断,成長ホルモン治療時の血中ソマトメディンA値測定の有用性について
- ブドウ糖負荷でGHが1ng/ml以下に抑制されたIGF-I高値の先端巨大症の一例
- 先端巨大症の Preclinical/Subclinical Endocrinopathy
- 頭蓋咽頭腫術後の下垂体機能低下症に非アルコール性脂肪肝炎を認めた一例
- (1)挙児希望女性に発生したホルモン産生下垂体腺腫への対応(1. 挙児希望女性に発生した脳下垂体腫瘍への対応,PS3-3 臨床において対応に苦慮する事例検討II,プレナリーセッション,脳神経外科の夢と志,第28回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会)
- 内分泌疾患 成人成長ホルモン分泌不全症の診断と治療
- 症例から学ぼうあなたならI
- Clinical significance of serum ornithine carbamoyltransferase in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Influence of adiponectin gene polymorphisms in Japanese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Biological effects of insulin-like growth factor I in vivo
- Cushing 症候群術後に高Ca血症をきたした一例
- 軽度の甲状腺ホルモン中毒症により顕性化したラトケ嚢胞による下垂体機能低下症の1例
- 高分子IGF-2産生腫瘍における低血糖症
- TSH産生腺腫におけるソマトスタチン受容体サブタイプ発現の解析
- GH補償療法の有効性と安全性 (特集 成人GH分泌不全症をめぐって) -- (成人GH分泌不全症の診断と治療)
- 女性化乳房の精査中に発見された 46,XX male の一例
- Sheehan 症候群
- 経過19年目に発症した Big IGF-II 産生 hemangiopericytoma によるNICTHの1例
- Desmopressin Stimulation Test for Diagnosis of ACTH-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome
- Expression of Type 5 Somatostatin Receptor in TSH-secreting Pituitary Adenomas : A Possible Marker for Predicting Longterm Response to Octreotide Therapy
- プロラクチノーマの薬物治療:Cabergoline (第5土曜特集 内分泌疾患UPDATE) -- (視床下部-下垂体)
- 糖尿病関連諸検査--測定法,臨床的意義,評価法 血液検査 Insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C) (新時代の糖尿病学(2)病因・診断・治療研究の進歩) -- (糖尿病の疫学・病態・診断学の進歩 糖尿病検査学の進歩)
- Appropriate Intravenous Doses of L-Thyroxine and Magnesium in a Thyroidectomized Patient with Thyroid and Parathyroid Carcinomas Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition During Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis
- Severe Hypoglycemia and Hypokalemia in Association with Liver Metastases of Gastric Cancer
- Standardization of Blood Growth Hormone Levels Measured by Different Kits Using a Linear Structural Relationship
- Final Height of Growth Hormone (GH)-Treated Short Children Registered at the Foundation for Growth Science in Japan : Comparison between the Pituitary Human GH Era and the Recombinant Human GH Era
- Postoperative Plasma Cortisol Levels Predict Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Cushing's Disease and Determine Which Patients Should be Treated with Pituitary Irradiation after Surgery
- Registration System for Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment with Standardized Immunoreactive GH Values in Japan
- Clinical Characteristics, Etiologies and Pathophysiology of Patients with Severe Short Stature with Severe GH Deficiency : Questionnaire Study on the Data Registered with the Foundation for Growth Science, Japan
- Studies of Very Severe Short Stature with Severe GH Deficiency : From the Data Registered with the Foundation for Growth Science
- 間脳・下垂体腫瘍の病態生理と臨床像 GH産生腺腫(先端巨大症,下垂体性巨人症) (内分泌腺腫瘍--基礎・臨床研究のアップデート) -- (間脳・下垂体腫瘍)
- 副腎腫瘍の病態生理と臨床像 原発性アルドステロン症 (内分泌腺腫瘍--基礎・臨床研究のアップデート) -- (副腎腫瘍)
- Diurnal Variation in Growth Hormone Receptor Messenger Ribonucleic Acid in Liver and Skeletal Muscle of lit/+ and lit/lit Mice
- 重症成人成長ホルモン分泌不全症における代謝異常に関する検討
- Clinical Outcome of GH Treatment in Turner Girls in Japan : Results of Multicentre Trial
- Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases in 65 Japanese Women with Turner Syndrome
- Growth Hormone (GH) or Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I Represses 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (HSD1) mRNA Expression in 3T3-L1 Cells and Its Activity in Their Homogenates
- A Case of Malignant Pheochromocytoma with Holt-Oram Syndrome
- Diagnosis of Thyroid Follicular Carcinoma by the Vascular Pattern and Velocimetric Parameters Using High Resolution Pulsed and Power Doppler Ultrasonography
- 内分泌負荷試験の実際
- 先端巨大症の薬物治療の現況と今後の展開
- 内分泌疾患を疑う所見と症状
- 下垂体腺腫
- The First Example of μ-Oxo-bis(μ-carboxylato)dioxovanadium(IV, V)Complex
- 序文
- 先端巨大症の診断 (特集 先端巨大症診療のUp-to-date)
- Effect of the Level of Plastic Deformation on the Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature of a Mild Steel(Mechanical Behavior of Materials 1)
- 体重減少(るいそう) (症状からアプローチする プライマリケア)
- Hypoglycemia due to Ectopic Secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in a Patient with an Isolated Sarcoidosis of the Spleen
- Gender differences in serum GH and IGF-I levels and the GH response to dynamic tests in patients with acromegaly
- Effects of GH assay standardization on evaluation of treatment outcomes for acromegaly in Japan
- 高プロラクチン血症 (特集 内分泌疾患 : 疑うヒントと専門医へ紹介するポイント) -- (下垂体疾患)
- 成長ホルモン分泌異常症 : 先端巨大症と成人成長ホルモン分泌不全症 (特集 厚生労働省難治性疾患研究から得られた日本の難病の現状 : 内分泌系4領域の研究成果) -- (間脳下垂体機能障害)
- 先端巨大症 (ホルモン(内分泌)の病気) -- (視床下部・下垂体疾患の診断と治療)
- A case of gastric cancer with non-islet cell tumor hypoglycemia detected by insulin-like growth factor II
- IGF-II産生腫瘍と低血糖